An article on monopsony power for you: the ability of large firms to dictate terms to their suppliers, summed up very eloquently.

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Another merger on the cards then - horizontal integration at its finest but I confess that the reasons for merger worry me slightly.

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I found this infographic on employment figures in US-based social media and tech companies this morning, which provides a visual analysis of employment in terms of both gender and ethnicity in...

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The following infographics can be used to provide lots of insight into relationships between types of crops and levels of development.

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tutor2u's comprehensive teacher support toolkit for the OCR F585 pre-release material is now available.

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This is a truly superb resource on the patterns of exports and imports for each country in the world. Zambia features heavily in the F585 case study as an exemplar of a country seeking to move...

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The tutor2u Economics Channel features a wide variety of topic study notes designed to support A Level, Pre-U and IB Economics students around the world.

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There are some great "off-the-shelf" resources available online that can really help students gain a deeper understanding of the Sustainable Development Goals.

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A bright and breezy animated introduction to the role and importance of financial markets here from the Bank of England! A useful scene-setter when teaching financial markets.

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A report from the Bank of England and the Financial Services Authority has suggested that up to 10 executives that worked for HBOS should be banned from working in the City in the future. The named...

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The World Economic Forum have produced a report ranking countries around the world in terms of their gender equality status. The report ranks over 140 economies according to how well they...

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Ahead of yesterday's tutor2u Teaching Behavioural Economics at A-Level CPD event in London, Jon Clark and I were discussing the benefits of using short film and TV clips to illustrate key...

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The Chief Economist of the Bank of England, Andy Haldane, has been in the news with his predictions that up to 15 million jobs in the UK are at risk of being lost to automation. This is a huge...

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Battery life and recharging times for portable devices are fast-becoming really significant as non-price factors driving the competitiveness of products. Huawei is a Chinese business that leads...

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I absolutely love this hilarious clip from Mitchell and Webb, which explores the impact of a change in the structure of the economy from the perspective of Stone Age man.

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Investment as a % of GDP in the UK economy remains in the doldrums, but businesses are not short of cash and the government can borrow on the bond market at historically low interest rates...

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15th November 2015

The UK Productivity Issue

The British economy has suffered for many years from a persistent productivity gap. Output per person employed has remained well below the level of many of the UK's major competitor nations. Why is...

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There is a super series on the BBC at the moment exploring the impact of the closure of the steelworks in Redcar. You can judge the mood on the ground with this interview with Karen and John who...

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This article today from the BBC explores the impact that the growth of low-cost airlines such as Easyjet can have on towns and cities that are Easyjet destinations.

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I like this map visualisation (below) from the Independent showing which countries are most at risk from climate change - the neat thing about this risk assessment is that it is based on two key...

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