Water shortages are hitting a country highly dependent on hydro-electric power. And a collapsing currency is causing a steep rise in the import price of imported fuels and mobile electricity...

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The final extract of the OCR Global Economy pre-release case study for F585 refers to the impact of Special Economic Zones for development in Zambia. The adoption of the SEZ approach in Zambia...

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Will the Chinese economy grow permanently at less than 6%? What are the prospects for the Chinese economy and its international impact? A recent survey on Chinese economic prospects for the Centre...

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For students studying for the OCR F585 pre-release case study paper, the Beyond the Bike resources on Zambia from the last few weeks might prove useful in getting to grips with the Zambian context....

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Stuart sent through this photo from a cafe on the Zambezi River, 250km upstream from Victoria Falls, a few days ago, and whilst at first it looks pretty simple, we can draw out lots of economics...

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27th November 2015

CPD: Theory of the firm

A-level economics teachers, update your understanding of the "theory of the firm" and join us as we showcase a series of resources aimed at increasing engagement and improving learning on topics...

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In the light of yesterday's Spending Review, it might be interesting in class to watch the scene below from Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, and discuss the role and nature of taxation in an economy.

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The 1989 film "Glory" follows the story of the US' first African-American regiment in the army during the American Civil War. This scene explores the issue of race and wage discrimination:

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Students are likely to have heard of Michael Moore's most recent documentaries such as Where to Invade Next and Capitalism: A Love Story, but it's worth delving back into the archives to revisit...

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Teachers and students preparing for the first sitting of the new AS Level Economics exams in summer 2016 will find these new practice exam papers an invaluable resource.

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In this excellent A2 economics essay, Ben Stheeman analyses and evaluates the contribution that tourism can and might make to growth and development in Sub Saharan Africa. The global tourism sector...

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Here's a few resources for teachers who wish to discuss George Osborne's Spending Review and Autumn Statement in their classes over the next couple of days. All of the data has been taken from the...

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Nearly 100 mergers have taken place between European universities since 2000, and the number of so-called "super-cluster" universities is noticeably rising. This BBC article gives some useful facts...

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The nudge theory bandwagon has certainly been jumped on by professionals in all kinds of areas now (see my earlier blog post about President Obama's recent executive order on the matter), and...

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The parable of I-Pencil and the rise of activist laissez-faire - superb stuff for ambitious students! Courtesy of the excellent Evanomics blog

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Major shocks to social and economic systems ruthlessly expose weaknesses which can be contained in more normal times. When the price of oil quadrupled in 1973/74, the different levels of resilience...

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US actor Patricia Arquette has spoken to the BBC in an interview about gender pay equality in Hollywood, for Hollywood A-listers and also technical staff such as sound editors. Arquette's interview...

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24th November 2015

VW and government failure

Last night's BBC Panorama investigation into the Volkswagen emissions scandal provided loads of great material for a detailed look into the issue of government failure. The reporters noted that...

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A report in this week's Economist suggests that we may have over-estimated the degree to which China has been investing in Africa.

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A solar farm covering an area in excess of 35 football pitches is scheduled to open in Morocco as the country makes progress towards an ambitious target of 40% of their energy flowing from...

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