Agreements to liberalise trade between groups of countries will boost wages in the partner countries but harm third countries excluded from the agreement. That is the central finding of research by...

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Higher national income growth leads to increases in countries’ population growth. That is the central message of research by Professors Markus Brückner and Hannes Schwandt, published in the...

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The negative effects of a regional resource boom on the local manufacturing sector – a phenomenon that economists call ‘Dutch disease’ – can be partly mitigated by the arrival of temporary foreign...

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David Cameron's decision to delay his verdict on whether to expand Heathrow has been widely derided in the press. Even Christine Lagarde, the managing director of the IMF, whilst praising Britain's...

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On Wednesday this week, the US Federal Reserve is widely and globally expected to raise its interest rate by one quarter of a percentage point, in its first increase since June 2006. The Economist...

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The Australian judiciary has told the makers of Nurofen (Reckitt Benckiser) that they must withdraw their range of products from Australian shelves, because the products all contain identical...

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Two residents of Indonesia’s capital Jakarta live almost side by side, yet they are separated by income inequality. Both explain that not everyone has benefited from Indonesia’s economic growth....

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tutor2u moved into their new global headquarters only a few months back and you'll find some important parallels between our new research and development centre and the Apple Campus 2 that is...

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The ultra-poor is a term linked to extreme poverty rates in some of the world's least developed countries. It was first coined in 1986 by Michael Lipton of the University of Sussex and is defined...

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One for the behavioural finance students out there! What kinds of returns should we expect from risky stocks and shares (equities)?

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The floods in Cumbria and Lancashire have created havoc for local communities and raised fresh questions about the effectiveness of flood relief investment spending after the awful floods that hit...

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Divisions within OPEC are emphasised in this discussion between two FT journalists. Oil prices have slumped below $40 per barrel and the last OPEC meeting broke up without agreement with member...

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The economist Milton Friedman was well known (amongst MANY other reasons) for his analogy of "dropping money out of helicopters" for providing a monetary-based economic boost. Last year, The...

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It's quite easy to get carried away looking at the various infographics on the website. Here is one I found earlier today that is relevant when studying exchange rates, in particular the...

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The UK's trade deficit shot up to £4.1bn in October 2015, from £1bn in September. One major contributing factor has been a significant increase in the demand for imported trucks and delivery...

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Four of the world's largest tobacco companies have today mounted a legal challenge against the UK government regarding the plain packaging law. The companies Philip Morris International, British...

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We know that China is now one of the most significant players of the world economy, however news this week that its currency the Yuan (or Remnimbi) has been accepted into the International Monetary...

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Go on, it's nearly Christmas! I'm sure that you've seen our Christmas quiz but if you wanted another 5 minute fun quiz to engage with your students then why not try our new George Osborne game. It...

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Top-paid British executives have salaries over 180 times larger than ordinary worker and I was quite taken by this very straightforward way of visualising the chasm that appeared in the Independent...

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The sustained fall in the world price of crude oil has raised hopes that motorists will soon pay less than £1 a litre for their petrol on the main forecourts. But a festive cut in prices below the...

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