More merger activity in the pharmaceutical sector as Shire and Baxalta confirm their £22billion merger, creating a giant market leader in the treatment of rare diseases.

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Keith Jarrett had been handed a mess. He had embraced that mess, and it soared - handed an unplayable piano, he crafted a performance that has become the best-selling piano album of all time.

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The scale of China’s ambition for Africa is already well understood. Numerous construction projects are already underway including the ones covered in Kenya by this short FT video report.

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I'm not sure what to say about the data published by the ONS that finds productivity is higher in larger businesses. According to the ONS "Larger firms – which might have greater scope for dividing...

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Nigeria is Africa’s second largest economy and has the highest production of oil and gas in Africa. More than 62% of Nigeria’s population are under 25 and it’s growing middle class makes up 23% of...

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If you are studying the economic causes and consequences of income and wealth inequality as part of your studies, then this is a superb short programme to listen to.

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This article from BBC Business is excellent for A2 macro students - especially Edexcel and OCR people. External headwinds are affecting African countries in different ways. Sharp falls in global...

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Here's an example of possible government failure that your students might like to use in an evaluative answer.

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The Beyond the Bike project continues post-Christmas with a theme that might appeal to those of us with New Year's Resolutions to "be more active"! Stuart's blog post this week focuses on the role...

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Researchers at the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University have created a new website "Microeconomic Insights," for better policy. Check it out -...

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In recent weeks we have heard numerous stories of supermarkets engaged in price wars on the forecourt. The price of a litre of petrol has - in some localities - fallen below £1 and further price...

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What a poor piece of reporting: in effect, the article reads "Country with population at its largest ever, and GDP at its largest ever, buys more cars'. Is that really that surprising?

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Last month saw some very positive economic news. The US Federal Reserve raised interest rates for the first time in over seven years. The Bank of England reported on the major stress test of UK...

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The Housing Market has long been a staple of Economics A Level examiners and a topic that teachers and students should always keep a wary eye upon. The shortage of housing at a time of rising...

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Apple is ranked only 12th in this listing of the planet's most innovative companies for 2015. Microsoft is 9th and Sony is 8th. Google is 5th and IBM is 2nd. So who came top?

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New data on the scale of overseas development assistance (ODA) given by OECD countries shows that the UK remains one of the most generous nations in the world in providing aid. In 2014, development...

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Here's a fascinating analysis about income inequality from a campaign group called 'High Pay Centre' (click here for the BBC article). A level economics students will know that income inequality is...

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As part of the Bank of England's Open Forum this short introductory video asks people what is the role of a central bank? Might be useful as a starting point for a lesson on the key functions of a...

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WOW! Economics 2015 might have completed its latest programme - but you can still get the entire bumper collection of teaching & learning resources from the course!

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Theory of the Firm takes a deserved and prominent place in the teaching content in the new A Level Economics, particularly in Year 2. Ruth and Jon explored these with teaching colleagues at the...

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