Labour market economics now takes a more prominent place in the teaching content of A Level Economics specifications. Delegates at our recent CPD course on Labour market economics were able to...

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In this video piece, the FT looks at the possibility of China introducing capital controls to stop the flood of currency reserves out of the country. The collapse of the Chinese exchange rate has...

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Marginal Revolution University produces some great material - although it might be a little bit 'American' by some. However, this short video clip looks at what causes divergent growth rates, with...

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A relevant story here about collusion between some of the world's largest manufacturers of car parts. In this case, Mitsubishi Electronic and Hitachi have been found guilty of rigging the EU market...

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A nice lesson in fixed and variable costs right here!

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27th January 2016

Economics Scattergories

Looking for something different to get your Economics students thinking? Try this version of the popular game as a starter or revision exercise - you can download the editable word file to suit!

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Behavioural Economics is a fascinating new element for some A Level Economics specifications and delegates attending our recent CPD course had time to explore a wide range of new resources to...

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Have you ever tried to plot a supply curve? Can you illustrate the positive relationship of higher prices stimulating a greater quantity supplied? Teachers or students covering this topic might...

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It won't be a surprise to many students that the relevance of the internet and its content is now becoming greater than TV (click here for an article on the change). It's a really good example of...

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Oversupply and excess stockpiles of oil is causing the price of oil to tumble, and leading to calls from OPEC for non-OPEC members to cooperate in order to maintain a higher oil price. Clearly this...

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We're delighted to announce the immediate availability of brand new versions of our popular Course Companions for Edexcel A2 Economics.

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The South African rand is in freefall at the moment and England's Barmy Army watching the test match the other day decided to poke some gentle fun at their hosts. This would make a great starter...

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I saw The Big Short last night - it has Oscar winner written all over it, especially a fantastic performance from Steve Carell. Why not organise a class trip for Economics students? The Big Short...

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This week's Beyond the Bike lesson resource provides students with the opportunity to examine Uber more closely using their Theory of the Firm knowledge, as well as assessing the growth and...

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A great idea to get students thinking about AD-AS using Pinterest.

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There has been a lot of coverage in the media in recent days about a cluster of surveys which appear to show evidence of gender-pricing for more or less identical products - in other words price...

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Political scientists often talk of the 'squeezed middle' and this appears to be what's happening in the supermarket sector. Asda appear to be feeling the pinch, and are looking at having to retrench.

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This little snippet on the BBC website flags up the relative lack of 'market churn' in the banking sector, and perhaps the lack of competition in the sector. Customer inertia has meant that the...

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Here's a whole heap of news and theory on Market Failure.

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The eyes of the financial and economics worlds are now focussed on China. A fascinating perspective was provided last week in the leafy borough of Kingston upon Thames. The university has recruited...

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