Here's a very recent TED talk from Dambisa Moyo on fixing stalling economic growth. She argues that capitalism isn't creating the growth we need, and in both state-sponsored and market-driven...

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For students born in the aftermath of Thatcherite reform which cast the unions as the industrial bogeyman, this TUC video goes some way towards redressing the balance. So what have the unions done...

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New data from the Trussell Trust finds that the number of people given emergency food help has continued to grow with over 1 million people receiving assistance in 2014-15 compared to 128,000 in...

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Britain has always lagged behind our Continental rivals in providing vocational training and this clip from BBC news highlights the apprenticeship system operated by Siemens - its costs/benefits to...

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As part of the AB InBev SABMiller deal, the mega-brewer has been forced to divest itself of some of its brands.

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An excellent short resource to use when teaching the economics of business takeovers. n the first part of the new FT video series Finance Decoded, City editor Jonathan Guthrie explains how deal...

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The provisional data shows that the UK economy enjoyed a 12th consecutive quarter of real GDP growth in the final three months of 2015.

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Elementary demand and supply factors at play here: there's the prospect of higher coffee prices. Changing consumer tastes, as artisan coffee houses become the norm in cities such as London, mean...

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A familiar refrain: the trade deficit remains a problem and so it proves once again in the 4th quarter of 2015: the annual deficit widened by £1.9bn to a record £125bn, with the quarter registering...

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IS JULIAN Assange rational? There are no prizes for guessing the responses of most readers to this question. He faces questioning over allegations (which he denies) in Sweden, and he claims that...

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In a country where no new bank notes have been printed for over 39 years, can a new currency help Somalia to re-establish a financial system to support growth and help lift people out of extreme...

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There is a great analytical piece on the impact of trade on the Economist website from the weekend. In particular, it examines the impact of imports into the US from China on US manufacturing.

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Quebec has 7,500 mostly family-run farms – who produce 70% of world supply of maple syrup. Since 1990 producers have been required to hand over the bulk of what they produce to the Federation of...

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These are pivotal times for the Chinese economy. Structural reforms of their institutions, labour and financial markets are high on the agenda of the Chinese government and many of them are seen as...

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A blustery hat tip to Matt Smith for spotting this superb contextual example in the Independent of the partial economic renaissance being seen in the east coast port of Grimsby.

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Armed with a huge stock of reserves of foreign currency, the People's Bank of China has been intervening heavily in a bid to soften the downward slide in the external value of the Yuan. The BBC...

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Several members of the Tutor2u teacher community have alerted me to this excellent, thought-provoking article from Tim Garton-Ash on the challenges to Economics as an academic discipline nearly ten...

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This video from Reuters highlights the precarious existence of migrant workers as the Chinese economy slows down: as the piece highlights, workers are increasingly seen as criminals rather than...

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This BBC article puts the impact of low oil prices in a Scottish context, suggesting that the current price levels are such that a number of rigs are going to be shut down in the near future. This,...

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A seasonal hat tip to my colleagues in the economics department at school for this tremendous idea for a slightly different research project to promote independent learning and stronger evaluation...

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