The Communications regulator Ofcom has told BT that they have to allow competitors to use their telegraph poles and cable ducts more easily than they currently do in order to improve the overall...

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If Britain leaves the EU, what next for the economy? The National Institute of Economic and Social Research recently held a debate on many of the issues and our friends at Econ Films were there to...

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The Brussels deal: would Cameron have done better if he had gone to Cambridge?

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One of the key factors to cause a market to fail is a lack of information. George Akerlof was awarded the Nobel Prize in economics for his work on the second hand car market. He observed how...

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In this new blog, Ed Conway from Sky digs deeper into the latest IMF working report on the UK economy to focus on the fact that in 2014, the UK economy ran the highest current account deficit of...

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A thought-provoking animated video here from Bloomberg News. There are more than one billion cars on the road worldwide today, and only one tenth of one percent of them have a plug. But what if...

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Good news announced here for an area of the country more readily associated with declining economic fortunes:

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Here's a short but interesting video from the BBC illustrating how the issues surrounding the humble sausage demonstrate some of the concerns that arise from the UK's EU membership. The clip says...

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The Venezuelan economy has the highest rate of inflation in the world and is in the midst of a severe economic and social crisis. This Storify curates resources for students wanting to understand...

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Living in poverty curtails a poor person’s capacity to aspire, according to research by Patricio Dalton, Sayantan Ghosal and Anandi Mani, published in the February 2016 issue of the Economic Journal.

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Keynes was right after all when he said: ‘The boom, not the slump, is the right time for austerity at the Treasury.’ That is the conclusion of research by Professors Òscar Jordà and Alan Taylor,...

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A case of market failure, disruptive technologies, Bot Wars, profit gouging and the New York attorney general. Following a 3-year investigation, the New York attorney general, Eric Schneiderman,...

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Katie Martin from the Financial Times here looks at the 'Boris effect' - which saw a 2% drop in the value of the pound, the largest drop since 2009 and markets are worried about the UK dropping out...

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Here is a small slice of evidence highlighting the regional divide in standards of living in the UK. It will not come as a surprise that northern cities figure prominently in those with the lowest...

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Here is a link to a new video from the team at Marginal Revolution exploring some the factors that help explain why some countries remain relatively poor whilst others are successful in the...

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Jonathan Guthrie from the Financial Times explains how companies calculate their profit, what investors should be wary of and the different measures used to gauge how a business is really performing.

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Ed Conway is on top form here outlining his survival guide for getting through the hype, cut and thrust of the EU Referendum campaign.

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Another oil article, but a rarity: one that predicts that prices are on the point of rising. This is because the International Energy Agency is of the view that at some point in the next five years...

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This short video from the Economist is a tremendous resource to use when covering innovation clusters and agglomeration economies. There are now hundreds of innovation clusters around the world.

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I remember well reading the first ever copy of the Independent when it arrived in newsagents in October 1986 and - whilst rarely buying my own copy in recent times - I have continued to enjoy the...

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