An IFS study, published today, is to reveal that changes to the welfare bill over the next five years will increase child poverty, with the poorest seemingly most affected, especially those with...

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The Chinese central bank has opted to reduce the reserve requirement ratio by 0.5% in a bid to inject more liquidity into their financial system. This is reported here. The cash to deposits ratio...

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The Head of OFSTED, Sir Michael Wilshaw, warned last week that secondary schools in Liverpool and Manchester were ‘going into reverse’. Too many pupils in Northern towns and cities are simply not...

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The Economist reports here on ambitious plans to overhaul the Indonesia's backward infrastructure - inefficiencies hamper growth prospects. This news video is an excellent contextual example of the...

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Brighton claims to be the first city to have launched a 'war on sugar' and this Channel 4 News clip looks at how the city has started to tackle the issue of information in the food industry....

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The Japanese bond market had an historic day on Tuesday, selling 10-year bonds at a negative rate or yield. The news was the front page headline in the Financial Times. It seems that the negative...

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Mass lay-offs of workers in zombie companies and in industries with chronic excess capacity might have been the preferred adjustment policy for China in the past, but economic and social conditions...

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The family-owned toy maker Lego has reinforced their position as the world's biggest toy maker and now they are focused on expanding in Asia and also (eventually) in Africa. At present, 80% of...

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Here's an interesting report (in both a short and long version) that you may like to share with your students if you are looking for analysis on inequality and uneven economic growth within the...

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A new paper from academics at the London School of Economics seeks to dispel the myth of the heroic grand inventor. Cultural variance and tolerance of diverse ideas together with the size of...

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Here's the news before it happens, in the Economist's 30 minute overview of what to expect in the global economy in 2016.

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This introductory video from the Bank of England provides a useful introduction to the concept of money and its purpose in a modern, market economy.

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Reports out today say that supermarket giant Morrisons (4th largest supermarket chain in UK) has struck a deal with Amazon, allowing for the delivery of some of its products using the Amazon Prime...

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The eminent Yale economist and Nobel Winner Robert Shiller faces five minutes of questions

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This new interactive graphic from the Office of National Statistics allows you to find out where your household / family fits in the distribution of income in the UK.

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The former Governor of the Bank of England has a new book to sell so headlines linked to serialisation of his page-turner about the imminent risk of another financial crisis are perhaps to be...

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This extended article from the Evanomics website is a superb enrichment piece for ambitious Year 12 and Year 13 students. The piece is written by Nick Hanauer is an entrepreneur and venture...

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Mercedes are altering the nature of their production line - moving away from maximising automation in favour of nimbler robots working alongside human employees. The aim is to reduce production...

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A nice little animation that illustrates the market mechanism in a perfectly and imperfectly competitive world.

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Following on from Stuart's earlier blog post about benign dictatorships, I've put together a simple lesson resource using the "speed dating" approach that is a firm favourite here at tutor2u. This...

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