As an Edexcel economics student, you'll be very familiar with a common question in the Unit 3 A2 micro paper data response section where you're asked to explain and evaluate a change in company...

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8th March 2016

Snacks on a plane

Many of us have probably assumed this for years, but now a study has been carried out showing just how high the profit margins are for budget airlines on the onboard snacks. Flybe's markup on...

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This great 1 minute infographic-style clip from the IMF outlines the possible economic impact of replacing men with women in senior positions in business across Europe.

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Here is an example of a student essay on this question: Evaluate the argument that the UK's relative economic performance has benefitted from remaining outside of the Euro since it was launched in...

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We're now used to paying different prices for air tickets depending on when we choose to book, but a patent has been filed in the US for a new "bench seat" that can accommodate different numbers of...

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I received a request for advice last week from an economics teacher who was looking for guidance on best to support a severely visually impaired student through the complicated diagrams in 2nd year...

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London Mayor, Boris Johnson appeared on the Andrew Marr show yesterday and has now become the poster-boy for the 'Out' campaign hoping to convince people to back Britain's exit of the EU....

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I was really struck by the research published by the Guardian today on the declining share of income accruing to young people compared with the older, retired generation, due to a combination of...

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This nifty little video from CNN looks at some of the ups and downs in world crude oil prices over the long run.

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This BBC news magazine articleThis BBC news magazine article highlights the reasons why some of the leading tax avoiders are starting to play ball. Unsurprisingly, it's not because of their...

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An almost perfect example here of inelastic supply in action. By law, all Scotch whisky must be aged for a minimum of three years and it takes several years for new distilling capacity to come online.

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A short but revealing news video on the economic impact of polluted rivers in Bangladesh. Huge areas of waterways have been wiped out by illegal land reclamation and the dumping of toxic waste.

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After the disastrous hyperinflation of recent years, the old Zimbabwean currency was abolished in 2009. Now there are nine different currencies accepted as legal tender on the streets. Will the...

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Fuel prices are plunging in many countries across the world but not in China where prices at the pumps are frozen when global crude oil prices dip below $40 a barrel. Perhaps the price floor is a...

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This short interview from Boston Consulting Group is interesting - there is some useful evaluation in here about the pace of globalisation and how the accepted norms are being challenged (e.g....

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You may have noticed signs in supermarkets apologising for the lack of Bourbons and Custard Creams on the shelves in recent months, due to the flooding of the United Biscuits factory in Cumbria...

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China is expected to approve a five-year economic plan this week. Economic growth in the world’s second largest economy has been slow and the Chinese government is betting on consumer spending to...

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This week's Beyond the Bike resources focus on assessing the prospects for the Thai economy, and the role of communication technology in easing business.

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This short video from the Financial Times highlights the remarkable potential of ultra fast robotic hands that can beat literally anyone at rock, paper scissors! But the dramatic progress in...

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Yesterday, Culture Secretary John Whittingham described Ad Blocking software as a “modern-day protection racket”, yet for many users of the internet they represent a support mechanism that improves...

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