On Thursday the government will quietly set in motion its plans to privatise the Green Investment Bank - with a potential price tag of £4 billion (Source Reuters).

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Mexico is a fascinating country for students to look at as part of their studies in economic growth and development and macroeconomic policy. The country has an enviably low rate of unemployment...

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The latest assessment of the Greek economy from the OECD has just been published. Those who are not of a squeamish disposition may want to click on this link! You can also look at the accompanying...

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This is a three slide short profile of the macroeconomic and development performance of South Korea. The country has successfully achieved high income status and membership of the OECD.

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A bearish scenario is played out here by Neville Hill, Credit Suisse chief euro-zone economist but it is a perspective worth considering. The Euro Zone is a long way from being an optimal currency...

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Inadequate infrastructure holds many countries back from fulfilling their growth and development potential. Nowhere is this more true than in India but new research finds that large-scale...

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This blog curates resources on theMarch 2016 Competition and Markets Authority report into low contestability in the UK energy market.

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This won't come as much of a surprise to seasoned watchers of the South East property market but fresh research reinforces the widely-held belief that restrictive planning systems have been a key...

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One of my favourite businesses Hotel Chocolat is using the AIM market for a share listing because of the lower costs of raising fresh equity. Some of the funds will help purchase a cocoa plantation...

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There was a surprise monetary policy move by the European Central Bank (ECB) today with the announcement of extra quantitative easing, a move to buying corporate as well as government debt,...

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Whilst the European Union may be reducing some import tariffs and quotas on agricultural items imported from outside the EU, it is also increasing many of the regulations governing the nature of...

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Supporting Stuart's blog post this week on fair trade, here is a selection of RES-supported lesson resources on fair trade, and links to some super talks and clips on fair trade.

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Here is a smart graphic from our friends at Statista. According to data from the Office of National Statistics, over half of British exports go to countries in the European Union. In 2015,...

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Gross Domestic Product: three words that can decide elections, influence political decisions, and determine whether a country can keep borrowing or will be thrown into recession. Economist Diane...

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Air pollution is responsible for harming footballers’ performance. That is the main finding of research by Andreas Lichter, Nico Pestel and Eric Sommer presented at the Royal Economic Society’s...

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Unemployment rates have seen a welcome fall in many developed countries as economies have recovered from the last recession. But for millions of people, the real value of pay packets has been flat...

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This is a totally must-see short 15 minute film from the Financial Times. China's economic miracle is under threat from a slowing economy and a dwindling labour force. The Financial times...

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This is a super enrichment video from the RSAnimate series on the Crises of Capitalism, based on a talk by David Harvey. It's from 2010, but still worth a watch for 10 minutes!

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I really like this photo collection from the Washington Post showing how the 1% live - the images on the website are taken from the book "Privilege in a Time of Global Inequality" by Myles Little,...

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The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has played a prominent role in world financial affairs in the post-Second World War period. In the 1950s and 1960s, its main purpose was to support the system...

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