This picture book from the Guardian looks at life in Bhutan. The country uses its own Gross National Happiness Index published each year.

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If you enjoy your economic history then this 40 minute talk by the eminent Professor Nick Crafts will float your boat! Speaking at the 2016 Warwick Economics Summit, he discusses some of the policy...

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Inequality between countries has decline over the long run but has increased within them in a large number of cases. In a new book Branko Milanovic explores some of the long-term dynamics of income...

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The government issues debt to help finance a fiscal (budget) deficit. The budget deficit is the annual amount the government has to borrow to meet the shortfall between current receipts (tax) and...

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I've inevitably had to leave some economists out of this listing but I hope this resource proves useful. Just type their name into Google to search for more on the work.

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In July 2015, the Chancellor George Osborne announced that a new National Living Wage (NLW) would replace the National Minimum Wage (NMW) for those aged 25 and over starting from 1 April 2016. The...

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In business, investors are continually looking for the next big idea and in the case of Powa (a British tech start-up), they offered a new way of paying for products through the use of their...

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A good piece for students studying the multiplier effect and who wish to look at the way businesses respond to the competitive environment. We read how Nokia succeeded against Motorola, but...

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Here are two useful charts summarising the breakdown of UK government spending for the 2015-16 fiscal year and the change in public expenditure since 2010.

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China’s housing market has been making the news lately and

this article in The Economist makes for some

interesting reading. There are a number of issues with the Chinese housing market and huge...

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University expansion pays off, according to research by Anna Valero and John Van Reenen presented at the 2016 Royal Economic Society's annual conference. On average, a doubling the number of...

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This China clip from BBC newsThis China clip from BBC news looks at how China is adapting to the prospect of rebalancing, and the costs of the process for the ordinary worker, particularly the...

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Twitter celebrated a 10th birthday this week but the social network app have been going through troubled times recently. This chart from Statista compares the 10-year-old Twitter with 10-year-old...

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Stricter standards to make products safer for consumers can actually encourage the amount of international trade, regardless of who imposes them. That is the central finding of research by Liliana...

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Now, we're all big fans of Linda Yueh here at tutor2u. I was really lucky to recently watch her presentation on the growth of the Chinese economy at the Keele World Affairs forum (February 2016)...

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Proof here of the extent to which there's competition in the grocery retailing sector. This Guardian piece highlights the fact that the incumbents have lost ground to the discounters on price but...

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A great little story here looking at how Japan is starting to make better use of its ageing workforce, with some of the elderly going back to work. Given the demographic problems that Japan faces,...

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Creaking infrastructure damages competitiveness and economic growth and it also leads to a deadweight loss of scarce resources such as water. An OECD report examining water usage in 48 major cities...

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People who bet on football are far more likely to ‘cash out’ their bets – rather than holding them until the end of the game – if they are trading at a gain rather than a loss. That is the central...

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I've blogged before about Econofun, the engaging board game aimed at supporting revision for A Level Economics students, but I'm now pleased to say that the game is available to purchase.

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