This Guardian article highlights a notable example of opportunity cost, with the news that developing economies spend twelve times as much servicing their debts as they do tackling climate change.

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We have created a Kahoot quiz covering the content in our recent UK Economy Update video. This is great way for students to check and test their knowledge and understanding.

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This article looks at how technology could allow for dynamic pricing, enabling supermarkets to reduce waste and charge the optimal price for their goods. As the piece notes: "dynamic pricing could...

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Here's this week's economics news quiz.

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Headline-grabbing reduction in employee national insurance contributions in the Autumn Statement, but a poor outlook for households’ real disposable income

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The Competition and Markets Authority has been investigating supermarket pricing during the cost of living crisis, specifically with reference to ten categories of good and discovered that three...

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A good example here of the negative externalities of climate change and the problems associated with common access resources, with overfishing harming Texas oyster farmers. As a result, of the...

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Major retailers like Marks and Spencer and John Lewis spend millions on lavish Christmas advertising. But this year, they have been significantly outperformed by an emotionally impactful...

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Australia is banning the import of disposable vapes among a range of measures to tackle a perceived rise in vaping among young people. The other measures include stopping single-use vapes from...

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More smoke signals from the Bank of England regarding the future direction of monetary policy, with the Governor, Andrew Bailey, signalling that there's little immediate prospect of a reduction in...

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New Zealand's much trumpeted policy to introduce a generational smoking ban has been overturned by its new government, not on health grounds but to help pay for tax cuts.

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There's been little progress in tackling gender inequality in the boardroom according to the latest report, a Pipeline gender parity study. There's some progress in that women now hold over 30% of...

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Join Geoff for a 20 minute overview of the latest changes in the UK economy. Superb application for students ahead of macro mocks! You can also download the chart deck used in the presentation by...

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The government has announced a significant increase in the national minimum wage rates to take effect from April 2024.

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Here's this week's economics news quiz.

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New data on long-term migration shows that immigration in 2023 was 1.2m people with the vast majority coming from outside the European Union. Many are students and people arriving to work in the UK...

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According to the IMF, Latin America can unlock its economic potential by boosting international trade through improved infrastructure and better development strategies.

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The UK government has announced a 10 per cent rise in the national living wage to take effect in the Spring of 2024. The pay floor for adult workers will be £11.44 per hour and is likely to...

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The Economics Team at tutor2u have been hard at work, so here is quick update on resources and events as the busy month of November passes by with haste!

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While the UK struggles with a cost-of-living crisis and inflation above target, the Chinese price level has started to fall.

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