You can't revise the Theory of the Firm topic without having a good grasp of the cost and revenue diagrams. In fact, for Year 2 micro, there's nothing more certain to turn up on the exam! Here's a...

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A macabre story that highlights the case for government intervention in the medical industry and the hideous effects of free markets.

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What happens when a city is managed almost completely by private corporations?

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This week sees an anti-corruption summit taking place in the UK where over 40 countries are sending representatives along with members of the IMF and World Bank to discuss issues highlighted by...

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A Chatham House research paper authored by Paul Stephens highlights the challenges facing big oil companies going forward.

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This Guardian article highlights the fact that, increasingly, consumer are spending money on experiences and less money on, well, "stuff". This Visa Group survey tracks what has happened to...

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The rise of the driverless car continues apace. Lyft have signed an agreement to road-test some Chevrolet electric taxis; if this proves successful, will this see the technology become more widely...

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Here's a quick quiz on UK supply-side policies that you may find a useful support for your revision programme. It has 8 examples of possible supply-side policies that the UK Government may or may...

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You can't beat past papers and tests when it comes to revising for exams but every so often it's nice to break your revision sessions up with a bit of a quiz. Here's one that revises 24 key macro...

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The crisis at BHS has focused as much on the ethics of Phillip Green’s behaviour as it has on the plight of the company itself. Sir John Collins, who put his name forward for a knighthood, has...

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A great article from Nouriel Roubini, containing a host of factors that could be used in exam answers looking at either the causes or effects of low growth.

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I have used this superb 2015 news report from Channel 4's Matt Frei when teaching the economics of youth unemployment. He visits a small town outside of Madrid where the majority of young people...

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It's not often that a merger this large turns sour but in this case Halliburton and Baker Hughes the 2nd and 3rd largest oil services companies have walked away from a large merger.

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Here is a classic example of increasing contestability: in this case an established incumbent, BT Openreach is making its network of ducts and poles available to a rival fibre optic network, City...

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In most businesses, adding eight million users in the space of a year would count as success! But for Twitter, the clear deceleration in the year on year growth of their monthly active user base is...

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If you haven't already seen our Economics A Level CPD events for the rest of this academic year, please have a look at the list and booking details here. Our selection includes: 'New to Teaching...

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Bond issues are in fashion in the GCC (Gulf Co-operation Council) region with Abu Dhabi, Oman, Saudi Arabia and Bahrain all planning debt-raising issues in the coming months.

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The Queen’s 90th birthday has quite rightly dominated the media over the past week. Her Majesty continues to break all sorts of records, spending longer on the throne than Queen Victoria and being...

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We often champion monopolies for their dynamically efficient behaviour, and how they contribute to long run static efficiencies through their invention and innovation made affordable by high profits.

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Research released by a left-leaning think tank in conjunction with the TUC has revealed figures that suggest wage discrimination goes beyond the standard issue of gender equality. The research...

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