Here's another Beyond the Bike lesson resource for the week that will hopefully help to embed a real understanding of the nature of China's rapid development since 1979. In 1979, Shenzhen was a...

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The Cambridge Society for Economic Pluralism (CSEP) has launched their inaugural essay competition which is open to students studying at AS-Level or equivalent.

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If you're looking for a slightly different way to approach your Unit 4 revision, then why not make sure of the latest Beyond the Bike resources?

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New regulations on cigarette packaging (and other restrictions within the cigarette market) comes in to force today. Click here for the Sky News article on the regulations and here for a BBC...

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With the unit 2 and theme 2 exams approaching, it is essential to have some background on the usefulness of PPP when comparing GDP between countries.

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Here's a thoughtful, short and very recent TED talk on a new approach to providing loans to people in LEDCs, by using mobile data to give them a credit score.

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If you are preparing for your Macro economics exams and want a quick summary of the performance of the UK economy's performance and short term projected performance then why not get the message...

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After three emergency bailouts and the biggest debt restructuring in history, Greece was nearly at the verge of leaving the EMU.

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Ahead of the second AS paper on Monday, Geoff is running a series of four free 30 minute revision webinars covering key macro topics. Places limited to 200 students on each.

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Young Founders (, the free programme supported by tutor2u that takes teenagers ideas from bare bones to prototype and pitch deck in two weeks, is coming to Newcastle from 25th...

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What are Current Account Deficits, and what should countries do (if anything) when they occur?

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We've got over 70 key topic revision videos to support A Level Economics Year 1 (AS) students preparing for the AS Macro exam paper.

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A quick trawl through the Economist's "World This Week" section has provided a set of great examples relating to mergers and acquisitions - perfect for including in Unit 3 answers to demonstrate...

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Here's a useful resource from regular tutor2u contributor Penny Brooks. Penny has designed a revision activity that she has called 'This and That' which asks students to apply concepts (such as...

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Some hugely important competition policy news. The European Union Competition Commission - which has the power to investigate the competition implications of big mergers and takeovers - has...

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Everyone and his Mum is trying to get into online video. Amazon is launching a new service allowing users to upload content in the early stages of what is likely to be a battle with the well...

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A short but important mini case study of how investment in renewable capacity can drive sustainable growth and development in Bangladesh. More than 3.5 million solar home systems have been...

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A Greek perspective on the Brexit debate. Former Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis joined Evan Davis on BBC Newsnight to discuss EU austerity and why he supports the UK's continued membership...

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If you attended our recent A2 Economic revision workshops, you may have heard our presenters urging caution when referring to corruption in developing economies. Presenters and students were...

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The gaps between recessions are in fact pretty irregular. For example, there was one in 1956 and another in 1957. The recession of 1973 was followed quickly by the one in 1975. In contrast, there...

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