A ban on the sale of legal highs has come into force in England. But will be ban be effective? Or does it risk creating even greater harm.

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In this short video, Professor Miaojie Yu (Peking University) explains how China's openness to processing trade - such as putting together iPhones to export around the world - has been responsible...

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The 2016 Austin Robinson Memorial Prize was awarded jointly to Pedro Gomes (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid) and Erick Gong (Middlebury College) at the Royal Economic Society's 2016 Conference....

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Giovanni Mastrobuoni (University of Essex) and Ferdinando Guigliano (La Repubblica) talk about the new economic research showing that mafia criminals have more to gain from education than most...

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If you are studying behavioural economics as part of your new A level course, then I highly recommend you have a read of this piece from Tim Harford exploring loss aversion.

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We are really pleased to hear of the success of the EconoFun product developed and nurtured by Serena Patel.

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You may have heard that there have been a series of strikes occurring in France at the moment as various groups of workers and unions protest against a raft of measures that the French Government...

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We are delighted to announce details of our expanded and upgraded programme of intensive one-day exam courses for students taking A Level Economics exams in summer 2017.

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Modern economists focus more clearly on increasing equality and access both as a social objective and as a means of achieving higher economic growth. Attending university and attaining a valuable...

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Will history repeat itself? A great article for A2 students around government intervention in planning for future growth.

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Everyone with children will know that holidays during school time are much cheaper than those that aren’t. Now, new research has shown that half-term holidays can cost up to three times as much!...

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Here's a new variation on one of our most popular activities - The Government Game (International Competitiveness version). It is an hour long activity aimed primarily at students who have just...

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Three Economics Professors from California head on a road-trip to look at how milk farmers are using product differentiation to achieve commercial viability in a market where the state of...

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The debate continues over the effectiveness of micro finance as a long run driver of improve development. This short video from Stanford Business School provides a critique of micro finance.

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In what is regarded as one of the first examples of alleged price-fixing in the creative services industry, the Competition and Markets Authority has launched an investigation into collusion in the...

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If you're looking for something to do with your returning AS students after half-term, then here's a suggestion based on the Beyond the Bike journey being supported by tutor2u and the RES.

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Here are our recommendations for essential revision videos to watch (and share with your friends) before you sit the A2 Economics micro (Business Economics) paper.

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A topical example of supply and demand here.

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The Marshall Society, the economics society of the University of Cambridge, is pleased to announce the opening of its annual essay competition. This is an opportunity for all students currently...

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Andy Haldane, chief economist at the Bank of England, hit the headlines last week with his confession that even he could not understand much of the material which pension providers give to...

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