The economic debate around Brexit has been disappointing. Far too many of the points focus on the short-term. Would Brexit precipitate a sterling crisis? Well, if it did, at some point the currency...

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Microsoft has purchased LinkedIn the (annoying) professional networking company in a deal worth $26 billion. Why would it do this? Microsoft apparently wants to be at the cutting edge of...

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Using chocolate and iPads we illustrate the "product lifecycle" and how a "product extension strategy" can turn flagging sales around.

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Here in just under 8 minutes Geoff Riley takes you through 10 key diagrams covering aspects of the theory of the firm.

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Since the financial crisis, government debt in the UK has been increasing and is likely to do so for some time. A couple of great articles here that will give you all you need to know about debts...

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To support the Beyond the Bike blog post this week from Stuart, here's a chunky resource on the highs and lows of economic forecasting with application to China and the likelihood of their economy...

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The latest Annual Halifax Pocket Money Survey has been released and it’s a great way to review lots of areas in Economics – the full press release can be read here:

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Here is a cartoon explainer on why official interest rates are now negative in a quarter of the global economy without causing, so far, massive cash withdrawals.

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For a data driven business, Uber is notably reluctant to nail down hard figures for the percentage of their 30,000 drivers who are earning less than the statutory minimum wage or who have driven...

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We have put together five special webinars covering the extracts for the OCR F585 exam and they are all on one playlist on our YouTube channel.

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Although initially limited to 67 postcodes in central and east London, the launch of a same-day delivery service for fresh groceries by Amazon has the potential be yet another factor shaking up...

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David Cameron has tried to frame the Brexit debate into one based on economics. Standing with him is the overwhelming consensus of economists themselves, from academics to the...

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Just days after Switzerland had a referendum on the introduction of a Universal Basic Income (and rejected the idea), Labour's John McDonnell is starting to consider such a scheme, backed by...

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Here is a short video from the Legatum Institute covering the launch of the 2016 African Prosperity Report. With a decade of strong growth in Africa now at its close, where has that growth most...

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The new specifications in A Level Economics challenges students to think a little more laterally about what is meant by economic progress and growth. While measuring GDP remains significant, an...

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At the moment I'm in the middle of trying to complete the latest Panini football sticker album; I’m also reading Philip Roscoe’s book "I Spend, Therefore I Am". So exactly what have these got to do...

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A focused two minute video from the Financial Times explaining which are the British sectors that are likely to feel the greatest impact from a Brexit and how.

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This is a handy explainer from the Financial Times - it looks at how the Australian immigration points system works.

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Here are some summary slides offering advice for students as they prepare for OCR F585

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Martin Feldstein of Harvard is an economist who should always be taken seriously. Writing in 1997 about the forthcoming introduction of the Euro, for example, he said “the adverse economic effects...

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