So, David Cameron has gone and Theresa May is ushering in a very new and very different era of government. Cameron, in his final Prime Minister's Questions said that he thought that he had left the...

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On the face of it, the Brexiteers have a bit of explaining to do. A week before the vote, Boris Johnson dismissed fears about the value of sterling, and accused the Governor of the Bank of England...

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In this short but engaging talk on aspects of behavioural economics, Sara Garofalo explains heuristics, problem-solving approaches based on previous experience and intuition rather than analysis.

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Sterling has been depreciating heavily on the foreign exchange markets - it has fallen by around 11% against the Euro and by more agains the US dollar. There will be several impacts of a weaker...

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Which countries have the lowest corporation tax rates in the world? George Osborne's plan to cut UK corporation tax still further towards 15% in a post-Brexit supply-side initiative is an attempt...

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China has launched a new One Belt One Road strategy (known as OBOR). The stated goal of this strategy is to “promote economic prosperity of the countries along the Belt and Road and regional...

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The topic of behavioural economics is very fashionable. Many economists remain rather sniffy about it, arguing that it often does not really add to what the discipline already knows. But one of its...

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In this short video from the FT, four economists discuss what the Brexit vote might mean for globalisation

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Last week, I caught a re-run of a BBC Horizon programme entitled 'How You Really Make Decisions', which remains available to watch on the BBC iPlayer as well as being accessed from the Youtube link...

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What trade model might eventually emerge for Britain and the EU? In this FT video Martin Sandhu explores some of the options. One thing is certain, the UK currently lacks hundreds of trained and...

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This is a remarkable photographic resource for students and teachers wanting to understand more about inequality in South Africa.

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Here's a quick six question 'quiz of the week' for next Monday's Economics classes. The resource is a Powerpoint file with questions but also has all 6 questions on one slide if you preferred a...

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The unexpected – and unplanned for – Leave vote cast when over 70% of the UK electorate last week turned out to vote has cast financial markets and Forex markets into meltdown, given a virtual...

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I've blogged before about the economics board game Econofun but am now pleased to say that I have received a real copy of the game, fresh from the factory and I continue to be impressed! The Game...

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Okay, so we all know the result of the EU referendum by now. We've had a couple of days to get used to the outcome but, if you're anything like me, trying to understand how the contest was won or...

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Here's a free PDF lesson resource to use in the next couple of days to examine the impact of Brexit on the Netherlands, South Africa and the UAE. The resource is part of our series, in conjunction...

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17th June 2016

Divestment at Tesco

In the increasingly contestable battle for market share in the supermarket industry, Tesco is responding by selling seem of their peripheral assets.

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Here is our revision video playlist focusing on Unit 3 microeconomics - there is bound to be something here to support your revision as the June 2016 micro paper comes into view!

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The development economist Sir Paul Collier has a new paper out on African urbanisation which might be of interest to students and teachers wanting to deepen their understanding of the opportunities...

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There's a cracking article in this week's Economist examining the pros and cons of overseas aid - the perfect reading ahead of the Unit 4 exam next week!

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