The experience of the Great Famine of 1959-61 is an important part of the explanation for the strikingly high level of household savings in China today. That is one of the findings of research on...

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The gap between the average hourly wages of men and women in the UK remains high despite equality legislation, according to a report out by the Institute of Financial Studies. The report's outcomes...

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Wage inequality was partly behind the vote for Brexit. In this short video, Brian Bell argues that the costs of Brexit should be evaluated in terms of income distribution.

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Here is evidence of the employment impact of public investment programmes drawing on evidence from Germany.

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In her first major policy speech one of the people incoming Prime Minister Theresa May name checked - Joseph Chamberlain - raised more than a few eyebrows. Who was Joseph Chamberlain? And why is he...

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A four-month boycott of Danish dairy products in Saudi Arabia in 2005 was massively successful, according to research by Alexis Antoniades and Sofronis Clerides, presented at the annual congress of...

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What are capital requirements, and can they prevent future crises? This short video features Professor David Miles.

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Free movement of workers within the EU is an essential principle of the EU. In this video, Jonathan Portes discusses the possible impact of Brexit on UK immigration.

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You may be interested to know that the percentage of students achieving A or A grades in Economics has fallen in 2016. The percentage of students achieving A or A in A Level economics fell from...

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This time last year Greece received a third bailout, the Syriza government ate humble pie and we were assured that at some point the Greek economy would improve. A year on, and other things,...

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Today's Guardian carries an excerpt from Nobel Prize winner, Joseph Stiglitz's new book, "The Euro and Its Threat to the Future of Europe". In it he suggests that, in its current form, the Euro is...

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Cricket fans will be delighted that Joe Root is establishing himself this summer as a truly great batsman. His Test match batting average of 55.49 is bettered by only 16 players from across the...

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Amplify Snacks has bought the British snack firm Tyrrels in a deal worth £300m.

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China is trying to redefine its relationships with many of its regional neighbours, as part of an attempt to boost intra-regional trade and also part of its over-arching strategy to enhance its...

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The proposed takeover of the hugely successful ARM Holdings by the Japanese giant, Softbank is in the news. ARM is well placed to exploit the white hot concept of the internet of things.

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I once had two students in my class who were both called William Hill. I thought, what's the odds on that?

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I find making predictions really tough, especially when they concern the future! With that in mind, I really liked this short but very accessible summary of ten limitations of macroeconomic...

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It's not very often that you spot two articles on the same topic on the same day so I thought that it was appropriate to blog on two different viewpoints on social mobility. Of course, any...

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Telecommunications regulator Ofcom have announced that they are not going to force BT to sell off their Openreach broadband provider but do want the division to be set up as a distinct company with...

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Congratulations to the following students who have all been awarded a Highly Commended in the 2016 RES competition. The overall standard of essays this year was really high so to reach the...

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