30th August 2016

TTI-P in Deep Trouble?

It seems that the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) is struggling to be concluded with Francois Hollande and others, notably the German economy minister, Sigmar Gabriel,...

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The European Commission have gone for a big fish in their first attempt to tackle corporate tax evasion. So, Apple, and the Irish government, are in the firing line for their tax arrangements with...

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Students who are about to start their second year of Economics A Levels should gear themselves up for looking at a much more global viewpoint on macro economics and trade. Brexit may have thrown a...

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We are pleased to announce a comprehensive collection of Teacher Topic PowerPoints to support colleagues delivering IB Economics.

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Producers of tradable goods close to areas of mining activity have lower sales because of infrastructure bottlenecks and competition for workers, but the revenue that mines generate improves the...

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The spread of high-yielding crop varieties developed through conventional plant breeding may have led, directly or indirectly, to four-fifths of all economic growth achieved in the developing world...

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Financial cycles are long – on average twice the length of business cycles. At the same time, there is substantial heterogeneity of national cycles across G-7 countries, ranging from very similar...

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During the 1980s, US wage inequality increased sharply while college education expanded strikingly. Are these two historical episodes unrelated? A new study by Theodore Koutmeridis, presented at...

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Firms can earn significantly higher profits when they tie sales of their products with a donation of 5% of their gross revenues to charity. That is the central finding of experimental research by...

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Roughly a quarter of the difference between Germany and Spain’s employment rates is the result of different preferences for working in the two countries. That is the central finding of research by...

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The longer you're unemployed, the less likely you are to find a job.

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Liechtenstein is in the European Economic Area. It also has restrictions on the free movement of people. Could it be a model for the UK’s Brexit? This short report comes from BBC Newsnight.

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The Christian kingdoms’ reconquest of Spain between the eight and fifteenth centuries set in motion processes that generated persistent inequality, which remains evident in big income differences...

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New survey evidence that the low skilled in rich countries and the high skilled in poor countries have most negative attitudes to multinationals

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I've heard of a number of favourite starter activities that teachers have to introduce Economics on day one of the course, so we've included one here that you may find valuable. It's called 'The...

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This new infographic drawing on employment data for the European Union illustrates the chronic problems facing people in the Greek labour market. In the UK, 89.9% of graduates are in work but in...

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Labour market reforms that reduced unemployment benefits, improved public job intermediation and relaxed regulations on temporary help agencies or marginal employment have been key to the German...

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Professional football teams struggling against relegation are much more likely to get the result they need on the last day of the season in countries with higher levels of corruption. For example,...

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The pay gap in the UK between men and women with higher level qualifications has not changed for 20 years, despite several government initiatives. Gemma Tetlow, FT economics correspondent, uses...

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Becoming a member of the EU had positive effects on UK’s economy. In this video, Professor Nick Crafts suggests that leaving the EU will very probably have a negative effect on UK GDP, but history...

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