We've got a packed programme of resource-intensive CPD courses for A Level Economics teaching colleagues during September 2016.

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We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of four new digital Course Companions to support teachers and students preparing for IB Economics in 2016/17.

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Are you studying IB Economics? Would you like additional support and encouragement as you prepare for IB Economics exams and during your course? This new IB Economics student group on FB is for you.

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2nd September 2016

Harnessing FDI in Africa

Professor John Sutton from the London School of Economics discusses how African countries can attract foreign direct investment (FDI) and why it's crucial for creating jobs. Professor Sutton has...

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This Guardian piece on the natives of the Atacama desert in Chile is a superb case study article to read when assessing some of the private and external costs and benefits of expanding tourism in a...

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In his new book on the structural problems undermining the European single currency project, US economist and Nobel prize winner Joseph Stiglitz argues that a number of reforms are needed in order...

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One of the big risks facing the Chinese economy is the staggering level of corporate debt as the economy slows down. According to this report from the Financial Times, "China’s total outstanding...

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Our friends at Marginal Revolution have a new 12 minute video focusing on the failure of financial intermediation as a key root cause of the collapse of the UK housing market and the subsequent...

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Another merger story - although it seems to be a case of conglomerate merger. South African firm Famous Brands already owns Wimpy and has decided to buy Gourmet Burger Kitchen (GBK) strengthening...

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The ONS has drilled down into the latest unemployment data and highlighted the fact lone parents have benefited from rising employment and the number of households where no-one works has also...

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The global macroeconomic headwinds have moved against many sub Saharan African commodity exporters in the last few years as the terms of trade have deteriorated following a fall in world prices....

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One of the major challenges for countries (and regions) undergoing rapid urbanisation is to ensure a reliable, affordable and safe supply of drinking water for households and businesses. This is...

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Campaign organisation Citizens Advice have released their latest figures showing the number of complaints received (per 100,000 customers) in the energy market. The 'league table' can be seen...

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Hans Rosling's TED talk on the role of the washing machine in promoting economic development is a classic but an experiment in a number of American high schools has shown that the humble washing...

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This article gives a fascinating insight into the current state of the Greek economy, something that has rather disappeared from view this year.

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The Trade Analysis twitter feed is an excellent source of contextual background on trade and investment news in the world economy and I recommend it to students and teachers. They recently posted a...

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Following the Brexit vote, normal service seems to have been resumed. A key question in economic policy since the General Election of 2010 has moved centre stage again. Should the government...

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This short video from Chris Cook of BBC Newsnight looks at some of the arguments for and against taking train operating services back into state ownership.

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An Ernst & Young report details the highly regional nature of unemployment: a quarter of young people in Bradford, Middlesbrough, Swansea and Wolverhampton are unemployed, an almost-European...

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30th August 2016

The Paradox of Value

TED-Ed looks at a key economic principle: the paradox of value. It's typically clear - and highlights the difference between marginal utility and the law of diminishing marginal utility. It was...

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