This is a superb talk given recently at the RSA by the author Dan Lyons. Lyons reveals the dysfunctional culture that prevails in a world flush with money and devoid of experience. He provides a...

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A great video to use when studying / teaching product iteration and dynamic efficiency. This clip from CNN brings together the key moments from the iPhone reveals since launch including the new...

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I'm giving my students a general knowledge / business / economics news quiz to kick off the year and see who has been reading and keeping up to date over the summer! Here are the questions (and...

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Martin Wolf talks here about some of the themes in a major article he has written for the Financial Times on de-globalisation.

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A short clip that might be used when teaching aspects of labour market economics!

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This World Bank looks at the vexed relationship between China and Africa highlighting the mutually beneficial nature of the relationship, both in China and Ethiopia.

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Two economists at Stanford University in the USA have published a new paper in the American Economic Review surveying an alternative to GDP per capita as a benchmark for economic welfare.

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The fish farmers of Gaza are a resilient group - hamstrung by intermittent electricity supplies and heavily dependent (for the moment) on imports of fish food and eggs from Israel.

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The IMF blog focuses here on the evidence that China is already well down the pathway towards a re-balancing of their economy in order to improve the quality of their growth and make their...

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This article is a reminder of the dynamic nature of comparative advantage and the signs already becoming apparent of the subtle but important shift in emphasis in Chinese trade policy away from...

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This year's Year 2 students looking at wage determination as part of their Labour Economics sessions are well to be reminded that the UK uses a 'National Living Wage' title rather than 'Minimum...

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Sports fans will all be familiar with the commentator who almost always gets things wrong. “Arsenal are very much on top here” he – it is invariably a ‘he’ – will pronounce, or “Root is looking...

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Morrisons have promised to slash food prices over over 150 items - reported here in the Guardian. This isn't what traditional oligopoly theory would suggest is likely to happen but then again the...

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One of the summer's biggest merger stories: Bayer's offer for Monsanto. The former has raised its offer in the hope of completing a merger to create a giant global agribusiness. What type of merger...

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An interesting look here at poverty in Port Talbot - in the context of Brexit. It stands as a example of highly localised poverty and its causes, examined by a Joseph Rowntree Foundation report.

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If you've never heard about game theory before or have but are not all that confident you've fully understood the concept, this prisoner's dilemma video is worth watching.

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5th September 2016

The Psychology of Money

In this video of a talk given recently at the RSA in London, the BBC Radio 4 broadcaster Claudia Hammond explores the latest research in psychology, neuroscience, biology and behavioral economics

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Over 150 million younger workers in emerging and developing countries are suffering from working poverty - in other words they have work but it does not pay enough to lift them out of poverty -...

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Here's a quick, 6 question multi-choice quiz about UK economic events over the summer as a fun introduction to your new-term classes. The questions are on a Powerpoint file and meant to be screened...

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Our Year 2 students are returning this week and, after a few weeks of (some) sun and relaxation, they are no doubt chomping at the bit to get ready for the challenges ahead this academic year. The...

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