Here's a quick 6-question multi-choice quiz on news items relating to economics for the week ending 7 October 2016. Have a go in the first 5 minutes of your Monday/Tuesday class.

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Here are the resources from our recent CPD webinar on Teaching Income Inequality and Wage Discrimination together with a recording of the webinar.

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Here are the teaching & learning resources from, and recording of, the recent CPD Webinar which provided an introduction to Teaching Contestable Markets.

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AQA, Edexcel and OCR have re-introduced the assessment of economics in a synoptic fashion as part of the new specifications, with the first Paper 3 exams in June 2017. Success in these Papers will...

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"Ooops, they did it again" as Britney Spears may or may not have sung. However, the opening of an Ethiopia - Djibouti rail line is going to have a dramatic effect on journey times - and...

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Here are the resources from the CPD webinar entitled: What you Need to Know if you are Teaching Behavioural Economics for the First Time

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The economic data on post-Brexit Britain is beginning to emerge. We discovered last month that employment in May to July grew by 174,000 compared to the previous three months. Last week, the Office...

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Here are the resources mentioned in the this week's webinar on Teaching Income Inequality and Wage Discrimination.

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The economist Dambisa Moyo has spoken before at Tutor2u events and she really is an engaging presenter with accessible arguments for students interested in deepening their understanding of the...

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Perhaps for those North Koreans permitted to fly Air Koryo on one of the few domestic flights or four international routes, a journey with the world's worst-rated airline might be a sign of...

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China is a middle income country and - measured at PPP exchange rates - the largest economy in the world. China's phenomenal economic growth has mostly come about from investment and copying...

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Productivity varies greatly across countries and traditionally, economic theory has looked at the importance of variations in the quantity and quality of factor inputs such as land, labour and cost...

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Innovation matters because there are limits to simply copying or imitating what rival firms have managed to achieve. Do patents help or hinder innovation?

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Vertical restraints involve exclusive deals between businesses. To what extent do they break the norms of market competition and lead to higher monopoly profits and a loss of consumer welfare? or...

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I used to have an A level student who insisted that bridges were the answer to more or less every development challenge. Naturally, building bridges is better than constructing walls (!) and he did...

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Here is a very useful twenty minute primer lecture from Chatham House on the Chinese economy. Since undertaking economic reform in 1978, China has experienced the fastest sustained expansion by a...

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The growing number of tourists visiting Iceland has lifted tourism's contribution to Iceland's economy but there are real fears that the boom has parallels with the boom and bust before the Global...

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This article provides some of the historical backstory to the mounting problems of Deutsche Bank - a bank that appeared to have come out of the Global Financial Crisis in reasonable shape but...

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One of those must read enrichment articles for students interested in globalisation and its discontents. Naturally the Economist favours a world with fewer tariff and non-tariff barriers but there...

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It has taken some time, but since 2010 the decline in market share for Blackberry handsets has been nothing short of calamitous. The number of sales has collapsed from over 50 million in 2010 to...

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