This FT clip looks at the implications of electric cars for the oil industry - what is the nature of the cross price elasticity of demand for electric and petrol-powered vehicles? - and the...

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Is the almost twenty per cent depreciation in the sterling effective exchange rate index a significant shock absorber for the British economy? MPC member Ben Broadbent (formerly of Goldman Sachs)...

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Tempers are fraying at the highest levels of economic policy making in the UK. Theresa May, at the Conservative Party conference, emphasised the “bad side effects” for savers of the Bank...

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Here at tutor2u we've often quoted the video streaming market as one that could be classed as a good example of a highly contestable market. This is on the grounds that the market contains some of...

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Larry Elliott's piece here in the Guardian looks at the implications of Brexit, both for the pound in the short-term and the whole economy in the longer term. He reiterates the view that the...

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It has been an article of faith amongst economists and policy makers that free trade is a Good Thing. Trade liberalisation was a key feature of the world economic order enforced by the United...

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Here is an excellent illustration of the 'Tragedy of the Commons' - where a common resource is over-exploited and eventually used up, this BBC clip looks at fishing off the coast of Mauritania,...

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The South Korean economy remains dominated by family/clan run conglomerates. Is this a barrier to the economy continuing to operate on the technological frontier and cementing itself as an...

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The TUC have analysed the gender pay gap and discovered that it exists at all ages, but is most marked when women are in their 50s, largely as a result of caring for elderly relatives or children.

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The National Grid have assured everyone that there's enough spare capacity to ensure that the lights won't go out this winter.

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Here's a 6 question quiz on economics news stories from the week as a starter your upcoming lessons.

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This is a battle between Britain's biggest food retailer and one of the world's largest consumer products manufacturing businesses that has economics teachers salivating!

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We are experiencing high demand for places on the upcoming student exam performance workshops designed for all Yr13 A Level Economics students - Strong Foundations.

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The effective exchange rate index for sterling has taken quite a pounding in the days since the Brexit vote. The pound has fallen sharply against the US dollar, the Euro and many other currencies;...

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12th October 2016


God forbid the polls (including FiveThirtyEight) are way out, but just in case, here is a new primer from the Financial Times on the economic "policies" being put forward by the Donald. What does...

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Ha Joon Change has argued that it is a myth there is such a thing as a free market. In this short video he explains why.

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Need a little support for your GCSE or A Level Economics teaching? Join our Virtual Staff Rooms!

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We are delighted to announce the completion of our suite of digital Course Companions to support teachers and students preparing for the first linear A Level Economics exams in June 2017.

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Here is a picture that can be used as a possible lesson starter that is sure to get some discussion going. Many students will know that the US Healthcare system is privately provided and therefore...

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The WTO 2016 Report came out this week – there is a short video here. It focuses on measures to make the global trading system more inclusive. Often the fixed costs involved with trade can be...

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