Hit hard (among other factors) by a collapse in revenue from tourism, Egypt has won approval for a $12 billion emergency loan from the International Monetary Fund.

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12th November 2016

Structural Unemployment

Here is a new video from out friends at Marginal Revolution - this time covering causes of structural unemployment in the labour market.

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Here's this week's Economics news quiz for use as a lesson started next Monday/Tuesday. 6 multi-choice questions included.

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This is a short interview with the Nobel prize-winning economist Angus Deaton. His work is concerned with the factors that raise economic well-being and the extent to which these influences are...

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Examiners require you to have three elements in your answers:

Knowledge – this is usually identification of different points OR definitions of key theories.
Application – you need to provide...

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We're all set for the first A Level Economics Strong Foundations student workshops later this term!

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Is this the most unusual effect of Brexit? The shape of Toblerone has changed and consumers aren't overly pleased. The changing shape of the bar reflects higher costs reducing the weight of the...

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Good news for the UK economy: it seems that electric car manufacturer, Tesla, are looking for a UK base to capitalise on the skills of UK car workers.

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In recent times, Egypt have switched between floating and fixed exchange rates for its currency - the pound. After the Arab Spring of 2011 it reimposed controls and only now has decided to revert...

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I have put together a newly-updated 15-chart slide-deck on aspects of the UK economy.

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Our friends at Trade News Analysis have produced a pitch perfect table for students looking at the Indian economy. The most tariff-protected sectors in India are alcohol beverages, tea, cars,...

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Here is a ten-chart presentation on aspects of business economics - something in here I hope that might prompt analysis and discussion especially among Year 2 micro students.

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An autumnal hat tip to James Bennett for spotting the latest version of the Oxfam brand poster - superb for deepening understanding of the power of brands in shaping consumer choices and the stiff...

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This is a truly fabulous and brilliant article on health economics and changing social norms from Atul Gawande (a hat tip @DianeCoyle1859 for the link) - germ theory and behavioural economics.

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6th November 2016

Elon Musk's Glass Roof

Dynamic efficiency - innovation and growth at the cutting edge.

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Another cracking example of business retrenchment here as a new CEO takes over at Whitbread. Investment in increasing capacity at Premier Inn will focus on the UK, Germany and the Middle-east.

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A hat tip to Romesh Vaitilingam ‏(follow him on Twitter @econromesh) for pointing us to a new book on prospects for the UK as Brexit negotiations loom on the near horizon.

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This video is a few years old now but still pertinent to the challenges facing policy-makers especially in advanced economies struggling to find an effective macro policy mix to achieve durable,...

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More from the increasingly excellent Marginal Revolution University - this time covering what the term frictional unemployment means.

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Interesting labour market story hereInteresting labour market story here, with the TUC arguing that the decision to charge people for bringing claims of unfair treatment to Employment Tribunals has...

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