Here is a classic micro / market headline for a cold November morning! "British Gas to freeze standard energy tariff."

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The $130 Google Home and the $180 Amazon Echo are speakers with built-in AI voice assistants. Both of them sat down for an interview with the Wall Street Journal!

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The oil producer cartel OPEC has agreed their first output cut in eight years causing the global price of crude oil to surge by around 9%.

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Factories are already seeing some of the consequences of the withdrawal of high denomination bank notes by the Indian government and the decline in output and employment is have negative multiplier...

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A short two minute video featuring Professor Mariana Mazzucato on the importance of both horizontal, as well as vertical, government policies and investment for innovation led growth.

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The Chinese are getting twitchy about the amount of money flowing out of the economy, worrying about the possibility of capital flight and have thus introduced restrictions on outward foreign...

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30th November 2016

The Pirate Ship Dilemma

Here is a short video looking at the Pirate Ship dilemma that reputedly flummoxed Google CEP Eric Schmidt!

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The latest Bank of England Financial Stability report provides a super chart showing average interest rates on loans and savings deposits.

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As part of the revamped system of financial regulation introduced since the 2008 global financial crisis, the Bank of England subjects Britain’s leading commercial banks to regular stress tests.

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Economic forecasts have become a political hot potato. The Office for Budget Responsibility’s (OBR) predictions, presented as part of the Chancellor’s Autumn Statement, have put the government...

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29th November 2016

The Collapse of GB Energy

The collapse of GB Energy could lead to similar closures of other small energy suppliers.

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This World Bank video emphasises the importance of harnessing simple technologies and investing in training to improve human capital as a way of making small-scale farmers in Kenya more resilient...

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Jaguar Land Rover's announcement that it plans to create 10,000 jobs in the UK was a welcome fillip for the government - however, it's interesting to see that the development of electric vehicles...

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There's never a dull moment when Michael O'Leary's involved. This article looks at how he envisages the future of the airline industry and a possible new business pricing model for Ryanair, based...

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Our friends at Trade News Analysis have produced this handy summary of the steepest import tariffs applied by the European Union to non-member nations.

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27th November 2016

From Cash Cow to Cash Car

A student once left an enormous pile of play-doh on my desk and I didn't know what to make of it! A similar experience awaited employees at a Chinese motor dealership when a small business owner...

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When teaching externalities how about using this clip from the BBC archives?

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An interesting aspect of the 2016 Autumn Statement is evidence that the UK tax base is shrinking as a result of the move towards the 'gig economy'.

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In this report from BBC Newsnight, David Grossman investigates how traders are using algorithms to make millions and how millisecond differences in the speed of signals from A to B can make a huge...

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22nd November 2016

Update on Trumponomics

We will be adding resources to this blog entry on the economic fall out from the election of Donald Trump as President.

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