Here's the first in a new series of revision materials designed to help Year 13 A Level Economics students to develop the skills and confidence needed for the new A Level synoptic Paper 3.

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Over the last year there have been significant increases in the prices of globally traded commodities.

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An excellent video piece from Chris Giles at the FT. Using five key charts, he explains what has happened to the UK economy since the referendum vote to leave the EU. One thing we are sure is going...

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Tutor2u's You Tube subscriber base is growing quickly but we still have some catching up to do judging from the figures showing the highest-earning YouTubers. Top of the pile is the Let's Play...

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An interesting merger in the hi-tech wearables sector with Fitbit and Peeble engaging in a sort of merger.

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Information is an important part of what makes markets work, or in this case generate market failure.

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The scale of intervention by the Chinese central bank to support their weakening currency is revealed in news that China’s foreign exchange reserves fell nearly $70bn in November 2016.

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There has been a huge amount of interest and comment in the newly-released PISA education rankings from the OECD. The PISA ranking draws on an assessment made every three years of the skills and...

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So, farewell then, Matteo Renzi! The resignation of the Italian Prime Minister after his heavy defeat in the referendum on constitutional reform has created turmoil. Fears have been resurrected...

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This short interview with the editor of the Economist is good contextual background for students looking at the wider effects of currency movements. Will an appreciating US dollar (prompted for...

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Lego's chief executive Jorgen Vig Knudstorp is leaving the business and is being replaced by their first English CEO, Bali Padda. Will the new boss be bricking it or will everything click into...

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It's brave of Mark Carney to raise this issue in the Roscoe Lecture at Liverpool John Moores University - inequality remains a major concern. Of course, he will be seen as one of the high priests...

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What is GAFA? Find out from this summary of key notes from a seminar held at the Bank of England, in which Hal Varian, Chief Economist at Google considers some of the effects of cutting edge...

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Restaurants open, restaurants close - that is a fact of life in the food retail industry. But the commercial future for thousands of restaurants in the UK is under threat according to a new report...

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If you are teaching or studying monopsony power in the labour market you might want to read this report in the Guardian. The Resolution Foundation is starting an eighteen month research project...

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Britain's relative low level of labour productivity is widely recognised as one of the UK's key structural economic weaknesses. The FT has paid a visit to BAE Systems' new training academy near...

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The Chinese have imposed a tax on 'super cars' - a seemingly random tax on luxury goods. It's difficult to see why the tax has been imposed other than as a political move designed to be seen to be...

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Train fares are set to increase by more than the rate of inflation next year, which must be little comfort for public sector workers faced with a pay freeze. This has brought muted protests from...

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The Bank of England's Chief Economist, Andrew Haldane, has expressed concerns about the growth of regional inequality in the aftermath of the global financial crisis. London and the South-East are...

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There is a cracking article in this week's Economist about the changing demand and supply in the market for the 100 billion eggs produced by British hens over the last decade. Elements of price...

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