A seasonal hat tip to Rhys Williams from the Learning Economics Online blog for spotting this wonderful interview with Professor Angus Deaton, recently retired from Princeton University. At the end...

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Here is a neat social bonding nudge from KLM! Airport Schiphol is a crowded place at Christmas, loads of people spend their transfer time alone – reading a book, or checking their phones. But watch...

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26th December 2016

2016 in Review

I suspect quite a few of us will be happy to put 2016 to bed. I'm not a fan of lengthy annual assessments of the world economy and geo-Politics. But this short FT video is a timely reminder of some...

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Annually, the world spends nearly $40 billion on pesticides but only $50 billion a year on protecting bio-diversity. To sustain We are destroying the natural resources, wildlife and habitats that...

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In this ten minute interview, Martin Wolf and Lionel Barber from the FT discuss prospects for the world economy.

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How is the labour market being affected by the rise to prominence of the Gig Economy?

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We will wait to see if the reality comes anywhere close to matching the rhetoric but the footwear industry is an example of a sector where less than 2% of shoes worn in the United States are made...

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Accelerated by the post-Brexit depreciation of sterling against the US dollar but part of a much bigger shift in the centre of gravity in the world economy, the value of Indian GDP has overtaken...

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The latest detailed data of student numbers in economics at both A-level and undergraduate level has just been published by the Economics Network.

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Few countries in recent times have given more attention to setting up special economic zones than Bangladesh.

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Sully directed by Clint Eastwood and starring Tom Hanks is a gripping and multi-layered recounting of the remarkable landing of a American Airlines plane on the icy Hudson River.

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The Chinese economy has been talking about reform, and reform of the working practices of China's state-owned enterprises SOEs is an important part of this.

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According to the Guardian, the answer is a resounding yes. They believe there is a continued need for trade unions in the modern economy, a counterweight to lots of the anti-union sentiment in...

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The expansion of large-scale gold mining in Ghana has led to a big reduction in agricultural productivity and output – and a significant increase in rural poverty. Environmental pollution from the...

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Yes according to Democrat Bernie Sanders who is using the inter-regum between the Presidential election and the inauguration of Donald Trump to push his campaign alleging price gouging by the...

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There are lots of Economists who are active in the twitter sphere. Here is my selection of ten who inform, enrich, amuse and engage in equal measure!

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Here is a pithy and thought-provoking piece from Professor Barry Eichengreen. 40 years on from JK Galbraith's Age of Uncertainty, Eichengreen argues that 2017 is riven with many more significant...

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The secondary ticket market is one that arose strong emotions. For some it is a chance to snap up tickets for a must-see event or off-load tickets when personal circumstances change. For thousands...

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Always nice to hear "The Prodigy" on the BBC and that's the backing track throughout this clip - however, the economics in this video clip are fascinating.

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Back in the Cold War era, both Cuba and what was Czechoslovakia were part of the Soviet communist bloc. With no access to what were termed the 'western currencies' - dollars, sterling and so on -...

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