Behavioural Economics meets Hollywood - a great post from Cass Sunstein (co-author of Nudge) on the behavioural economics embedded into some of the year's top films. Some interesting behavioural...

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A Level Economics students covering aspects of Behavioural Economics in their studies will find many of the key concepts explained and illustrated in the revision videos listed below.

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1st January 2017

RIP Sir Tony Atkinson

The start of 2017 has brought very sad news as we learn of the passing of Professor Tony Atkinson, one of Britain's best economists.

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There is no better source than Diane Coyle's Enlightenment Economics blog to keep up to speed with the terrific range of new economics books due for publication in 2017 - here is the link to follow.

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This is a brilliant blog on the Brexit referendum and the aftermath from John Van Reenen, the former LSE Professor who is now embarking on a new academic life in the United States.

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Here is an interesting article on social norms in the pub contrasted to restaurants.

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Lots to get your teeth into here - ten charts that look at the forces that have shaped the global economy in 2016, including the effect of the Tangerine Dream - as the US economy under Trump might...

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Michael Lewis has a new book out called The Undoing Project - it is the story of the friendship and collaboration between Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky and the emergence of ideas in psychology...

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This is so good! Reuters has produced an animated guide to recent Japanese travails, highlighting the dangers of inflation, the nature of Abenomics, and looking at whether the policies have been...

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Who knows what 2017 will bring! But this chart courtesy of our friends at Trade News Analysis is a stark reminder of the importance of trade with fellow members of the European Union at the end of...

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A new report from the Resolution Foundation finds a significant pay gap between workers on regular employment contracts and those on zero-hours (ZH) employment deals.

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You could make a case for using this one article to revise almost the entire A level economics course! The New York Times follows the journey of an iPhone from factory floor to retail store.

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Travellers hurt by the post-Brexit depreciation of sterling but wanting to fly cheaply to the USA will be interested to hear of plans by Norwegian Airlines to offer ultra-low one-way fares to New...

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Jonathan Portes considers some of the possible effects of a significant reduction in net inward migration from the EU after the UK's Brexit. He argues that " the impacts should not be overstated...

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Ethiopia has continued to experience rapid growth despite he challenges of drought, social unrest and a chronic trade deficit and volatile currency. The latest report from the World Bank on the...

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A hat tip to Bruce Fellowes for spotting this article on the research of J.Doyne Farmer, Director of the Complexity Economics Programme at the Oxford Martin School. Farmer is an expert in complex...

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A superb piece here from the Financial Times focuses on five industries where revenues, profits and jobs are under threat from creative destruction.

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The total amount raised in charges and fines from those using NHS car parks continues to surge. There is lots of economics in this issue including arguments relating to equity, monopoly power and...

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28th December 2016

Cloud Fishing in Morocco

Harvesting rainwater from fog - an idea totally new to me and a terrific example of small scale innovation that helps to resolve water stress and releases people from hours of laborious walking to...

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"Extreme poverty, child mortality, illiteracy, and global inequality are at historic lows; vaccinations, basic education, including girls, and democracy are at all-time highs."

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