KAL from the Economist provides the artistic genius behind this short video from the Economist.

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There has been a significant increase in the size of public sector debt in many advanced countries since the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) engulfed nations in the autumn of 2007. But what has...

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A terrific source of information curated here by the World Bank. Here are 12 charts that help tell the stories of the year.

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Deregulation is on the way in the water sector, with the market seemingly moving towards an electricity-style market where consumer are no longer bound by geographic considerations.

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Perhaps this will be the defining difference in 2017 and beyond - it will certainly accelerate changes in the global centre of gravity!

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Here is a terrific photo to use when teaching the non-excludable and non-rival aspects of flood protection from the Thames Barrier. The tidal surge down the east coast was a big threat last week.

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This is a stunning video of the Meskel Square Intersection in Addis Ababa, capital city of Ethiopia, caught on camera without traffic lights. Concentration advised, one for experienced locals only...

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Last year was a year of celebrity deaths. But perhaps the most significant of all received very little coverage. Just before Christmas, Thomas Schelling, Nobel Laureate in economics, died aged 95.

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Here's this week's (w/e 13 Jan 17) 6-question Economics news quiz with multi-choice answers. Along with the usual Powerpoint and paper-based version of the activity, this week we've included a...

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Any student keeping abreast of economic news this week would see that inequality of income has cropped up quite often. President Obama said it was an issue for the US during his farewell speech,...

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We're delighted to announce that Geoff & Ruth's superb new A Level Economics Key Term Glossary is now available in printed form!

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This clip looks at how Australian beef farmers have responded to rising demand from Asian consumers, led by Australian Agricultural who have made the most of their economies of scale and added new...

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The issue of ticket touting has been in the news recently. However, the story here is not the fact that these tickets have appeared on secondary ticket sites but that they've been placed there by...

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On Tuesday's Today programme, Jeremy Corbyn suggested that introducing "maximum pay" would be an effective way of reducing inequality and tackling the issue of overly-high pay in the boardroom (see...

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11th January 2017

Inequality in the UK

Jeremy Corbyn announced in an interview on Tuesday that inequality in the UK has been getting worse. He is both right and wrong - because your take on inequality depends on which data you use.

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This short FT video looks at the long sweep of history in the United States over the scale and scope of import tariffs. Import tariffs and a strong currency tend to cancel each other out. Will the...

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This is a 17 minute interview that might be used an enrichment for students evaluating the challenges to globalisation.

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9th January 2017

The End of China Inc?

This is a follow-up to the blog about Robert Peston's analysis of prospects for the Chinese economy. I think this report from Al Jazeerah is significantly better - not least because of some...

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My Year 13 economists are starting serious preparation for an essay on China in their final preU exam this June.

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This has to be a go-to example of first mover advantage and retaining competitive advantage!

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