A rather sad, but typical, development story from Zambia, where the BBC's Kennedy Gondwe highlights the fact that, despite the recent rise on the global price of copper, this hasn't served to boost...

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Here's this week's 6-question multi-choice news quiz from the world of economics!

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An interesting clip that touches upon at least two negative externalities.

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For those of you who know your Keynesian economics, this might set alarm bells ringing. Keynes was a believer that trade imbalances were problematic but that rather than deficit coutnies being...

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Kenneth Rogoff spells out one of the reasons why the President can't expect to bully China on trade: the extent to which China holds US debt, and the implications of this, and the prospect of price...

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Many students will be exploring aspects of financial market failure as part of their A level economics course. This article from Kamal Ahmed is a useful primer on the importance of credible...

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This excellent OECD clip looks at the importance of raw materials, such as rare earth metals, in global trade. It may tell you some things that you don't know and if you're inclined, I'd recommend...

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There is a wealth of background information on the UK economy in general and the government's fiscal challenges in particular from the IFS web site.

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Dear, oh dear. It seems that Greece is the issue that won't go away, unsurprisingly, since it was never really resolved in the first place. Greek bond yields are up, and there are fears about its...

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Unmissable! Cartoonist KAL illustrates dumping when a firm floods a market with cheap goods to undercut the competition. A perfect bridging video for the economics classroom!

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7th February 2017

RIP Hans Rosling

What sad news today as we heard of the passing of Hans Rosling, the inspirational behind GapMinder and undoubtedly one of the best communicators of data over many years. Some of the tweets below...

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Possibly the single most important of the tensions stoked up by President Trump is the rivalry between the United States and China. Economic strength will be the ultimate determinant of this...

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I like the prospect of companies utilising novel digital technology: in this case, the Rail Delivery Group have suggested that biometric technology, such as iris scans and face recognition software...

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Evidence of an interesting shift in the car market with the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT) noting that demand for diesels is down, reflecting changing consumer tastes.

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This short video from Bloomberg is ideal when teaching the economics of oligopoly, pricing power, the relative bargaining strength of drug sellers and buyers and the extent to which regulation is...

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Why is the economics profession so overwhelmingly opposed to Brexit?

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This is a great article looking at the nature of the global economy and asking why Nigeria imports so much rice, given that it can be grown there, and what the implications of this are?

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This is a vivid illustration of the growth challenges facing China as it seeks to move away from "Assembled in China" to "Designed and Made by China."

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Very interesting news emanating from Saudi Arabia; the /cabinet have backed the imposition of value-added tax at an initial rate of 5% from 2018 to tackle the ongoing budget deficit. This has been...

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This World Bank clip looks at the consequences of 1.5 billion people not having formal proof of identity and the consequences of this. It also highlights the Bank's attempts to tackle this via the...

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