Elections create uncertainty. But we can be sure of one thing. Regardless of the result, during the course of the next Parliament stealth taxes will rise. This week, we have a sharp rise in...

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A new report on the effectiveness of the Cancer Drug Fund set up in 2010 is pretty scathing and covers many aspects of government failure.

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Although there are macroeconomic implications, and negative multiplier effects associated with this news from Swinton Insurance, I think that it's more pertinent as a commentary on the changing...

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This is a lovely article that suggests that the UK ban on branded cigarette packets could reduce the number of smokers by 300,000, if the measure has the same effect as it had in Australia....

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A timely and telling evaluation here of the state of play in the book industry. Retail sales of e-books are declining - the technology has not become as ubiquitous and popular as many assumed. As...

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When it comes to the crunch capital flows to where the risk-adjusted expected returns are highest. Several hundred jobs are at risk in the UK as Nestle announces that production of the Blue Riband...

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A remarkable statistic has emerged from yesterday: it was the first day since the Industrial Revolution that coal wasn't used to generate power.

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Excellent resource, courtesy of Bloomberg which sets out the importance of the New Silk Road for China's global trade policy. This is a first-rate summary of what Xi Jinping's so-called 'Pet...

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Here's a 10 question multi-choice quiz on demand and supply-side policies aimed at A Level students. It uses our 'Beat the Zombie' format which asks players to identify the correct answers before...

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Two hundred years ago this week we were introduced to the concept of comparative advantage by David Ricardo. The BBC's Andrew Walker looks here at the growth in the service sector, as it accounts...

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This World Economic Forum clip looks at how air pollution is responsible for around four million premature deaths worldwide. Princeton professor, Denise Mauzerall, looks at how China, in...

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Is setting up a micro brewery a licence to print money? This month, a private equity company acquired 22 per cent of BrewDog for just over £200 million, netting a neat £100 million for the...

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Here's a 10 question revision quiz on Labour Markets aimed at A level students about to take their exams. It uses a format called 'The Usual Suspects' which is a 'confidence-based' quiz. This means...

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In this talk at the 2017 Warwick Economics Summit, Martin Wolf, Chief Economics Commentator at the Financial Times, talks about the state of democratic capitalism today and its impact on the future.

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Here is a Guardian editorial packed full of evaluation of the latest attempt to beef-up vocational training via apprenticeships. In it, there's an acknowledgement of the difficulties of...

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It's big: check out the economies of scale associated with this ship, the largest construction vessel ever built.

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Click here for a 10 question multi-choice quiz on market structures, business objectives and costs.

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18th April 2017

Zimbabwe's cash cows

Two recent articles in the FT could make a useful starter to the new term, particularly for Year 13 students who are preparing for the synoptic paper. Both cover the move by Zimbabwe's parliament...

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This is the World Bank's perhaps sugar-coated interpretation of Poland's transition from upper middle to higher income status - but a user primer for studying the economics of some countries that...

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It looks like the war on diesel is about to start, with the government apparently contemplating a range of policy options to tackle the nitrogen oxide emitted by these vehicles. A number of policy...

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