I was teaching a lesson on economic wellbeing today with my Year 12 here are links to a quick quiz on wellbeing measures and the accompanying powerpoint deck

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Just launched - and available for instant download - the second volume of our popular resource for A Level Economics - Synoptic Revision Mats.

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As I am currently teaching changes in demand and in particular, tastes and fashions, this news article about the possible effects of eating sushi was very timely.

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Complex products such as engine parts for the motor industry often cross national borders many times before the final product is ready for the market. This Newsnight video is superb for students...

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Proof of the importance of infrastructure to development: this World Bank clip looks at how the development of a new highway between Dili and Ainaro has the capacity to change lives, by allowing...

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Michael Gove famously said during the Brexit campaign that people “have had enough of experts”. Certainly, the outcome suggests that many were sceptical of the doom-laden economic projections of...

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A genuinely interesting article that looks at how India's embracing solar power and the implications of this for development. In short, it can help connect millions of rural Indians to the power...

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A simple message: capitalise on the newest technologies - robotics, AI and 3D printing and UK productivity will be lifted, argues Siemens UK boss, Juergen Maier. He's not wrong. And it's not...

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William Keegan provides an overview of the conduct of monetary policy since the 1970s, and it's worth reading, in that it highlights the changes, from prices and incomes policies through to the...

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A BBC World Service programme asks whether is economics still a useful way to make sense of and predict events? Features Professor Wendy Carlin from UCL who has been at the forefront of reforms to...

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Great to see Bob Denham and Romesh Vaitilingam launching their new project Communicating Economics. Here is an introductory video and you also can follow them on Twitter @econcomms

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We've selected what we think are 10 absolutely essential topic revision videos to watch as part of your final preparation for an AS Economics exam paper on microeconomics.

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Any school students studying UK GCSE, A level, SQC Intermediate 2/Highers or International Baccalaureate (IB) courses are invited to write a unique essay of between 1,000 to 2,500 words, on a...

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Here are details of the 2017 Economics Essay Competition being run by the Marshall Society at Cambridge University.

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We are saddened to learn of the passing of the great Economist William J Baumol whose contribution to the subject has been immense.

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Join Ruth Tarrant and Jon Clark at Vue Cinema, Westfield Stratford City on Tuesday (9th) or Wednesday (10th) May for a day of intensive revision for A Level Economics.

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Ten years ago, the financial crisis began to grip the Western economies. During the course of 2007, GDP growth slowed markedly everywhere. By the end of 2008, output was in free fall. A key theme...

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There's a major price shock on the way: the price of avocado is going to surge, as a result of increased demand and supply issue in the major exporters. This simple application of D&S means...

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2nd May 2017

Rising bubbles?

Where might the next asset bubble come from? With A level specifications looking for students to understand that speculation and market bubbles are an example of market failure, here are three...

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There's lots of economics here - not least the macroeconomic implications of a concentrated housing market. However, the crux of this issue is that there are worries that the housing market is...

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