Great news about the nature of the UK's electricity generating capacity on Friday - nearly one quarter of the electricity generated came from solar power, breaking the previous record.

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How to make sense of unexpected changes in the economy and how this effects the 'big system'. This short video from the 2017 RES conference looks at how an economy that is one big system cannot...

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Brazilian sugar exports are most likely to be affected by this Chinese tariff on sugar imports. The usual demand-supply analysis framework and welfare issues can be applied to this decision by...

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The two main manifestos have been published. Initially at least, the Labour one seems the more popular. Many people are susceptible to being bribed with other people’s money.

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As part of their build up to the Election next month, the BBC website carries an article by Laura Gardiner of the Resolution Foundation. It examines the current data behind the headline that there...

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This article from BBC news underscores the fact that we're in the middle of a digital currency boom, with Bitcoin and Ethereum traded at record highs.

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Robert Shiller writes in the Guardian about the reasons for the current economic stagnation. He argues that uncertainty, both short-term and long-term is adversely affecting spending. The latter...

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The global battle for talent shows no sign of easing off. Apple's decision to establish a new academy in Naples is welcome news for the Italian economy and addressing their structural north-south...

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A good contextual example here of import quotas and import tariffs in tandem!

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An interesting and unintended consequence of the new legislation governing tobacco packaging in the UK. Phillip Morris has sought to get around the plain packaging legislation by selling cigarettes...

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Is this a tipping point for wind power, as economies of scale make wind more profitable than nuclear energy? Certainly that's what the Guardian is hoping as the latest extension to the Burbo Bank...

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A useful blog here from the Asian Development Bank on some strategies for Asian countries wanting to escape the so-called middle-income trap. Spending more on research and innovation is seen as key...

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Here is our recommendation for 12 essential short topic revision videos to watch as you complete your revision for the macroeconomics paper for A Level Year 1 (AS) Economics.

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Labour plans to raise corporation tax to 26% - does this make economic sense? The arguments for and against are relatively predictable, but for top grades, find the subtle nuances in the arguments...

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17th May 2017

Barista-Visa Baby?

Pret, Byron, Five Guys, Eat... these brands are an increasingly ubiquitous presence on the high street - but there are concerns about staffing in a post Brexit environment. Will we end up with a...

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Diane Abbot’s car crash of an interview on LBC radio hit the headlines. Asked politely but firmly for the numbers and costings of Labour’s plans on the police, her answers varied wildly from...

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Here are some of the key macro topics that I would want my own students to revise for the summer 2017 exams. They are not exam board specific but intended to cover a range of important current...

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This article in The Economist is definitely one to save up for the next time you are teaching behavioural economics, but it offers a great deal more than that. The interaction of demand and supply,...

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The One Belt One Road initiative has the potential to be one of the most important trade and investment projects in our lifetime. Here are some links to articles and videos from the OBOR Summit...

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I was teaching a lesson on economic wellbeing today with my Year 12 here are links to a quick quiz on wellbeing measures and the accompanying powerpoint deck

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