France and the UK both claim to have the world's fifth largest economy - who is right? That of course depends on which metric we choose to use as a point of comparison.

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Here is an article from the BBC website which, with the A level macro and synoptic exams just days away, gives a fantastic example of a project designed to boost prospects for economic growth in an...

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Productivity is not just some abstract concept from economic theory. It has huge practical implications. Ultimately, it determines living standards

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An important development! The FT is giving free access to all secondary schools, academies and colleges. The FT yesterday launched a scheme for sixth form students and their teachers to register...

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This is a really interesting article from the Guardian about the rise of dynamic pricing by supermarkets - drawing on the power of big data and ubiquitous mobile technology to personalise prices...

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Following on from our quick revision tool aimed at Business Economics, here is another online tool for revising A Level Microeconomics in preparation for upcoming exams. Click here for 'Diagram in...

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Looking for a quick and last-minute revision tool for testing knowledge on diagrams relating to business objectives, economies of scale and labour economics? This online tool gives you a...

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The global response to President Trump's announcement that he is withdrawing the United States from the landmark 2015 Paris climate accord on climate change has been predictably strong. The reality...

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The Office for National Statistics (ONS) published last week some figures which show how a successful monetary union works in practice.

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If you read a better, more interesting and thoughtful essay on behavioural economics in the next year then I will be surprised! Cesar Hidalgo - notable of course for his work on information and...

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Here is a very interesting Kamal Ahmed look at 'flexible working': how it has changed the nature of the modern labour market and how McDonald's has been a market leader in improving employment...

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It seems that the discounters are getting everywhere, with IAG's Level being the latest entrant to the low-cost carrier market. However, like Norwegian and Eurowings, it is a low cost carrier that...

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Money makes the world go round: but what is it really?

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Behavioural economics-tastic: the Zusha campaign in Kenya is reducing the number of road traffic accidents as a result of passengers warning against reckless driving. Passengers are encouraged to...

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The credit rating on China's sovereign debt has been lowered for the first time in three decades. With the Chinese mainland facing its slowest growth in over a quarter of a century, defaults are...

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The shift towards solar power as an affordable source of renewable energy seems to be gathering pace. Economies of scale are lowering the unit cost of solar power and this article suggests that the...

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Two centuries on from the emergence of the idea of comparative advantage as the basis for specialisation and trade, why does it remain hard to sell the idea of free trade?

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The dominant currency paradigm is about the fact that the US dollar matters a huge amount in setting the prices at which trade takes place in the global economy.

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Whisper it quietly but the economic upturn in the Euro Area seems to be gathering some momentum. Unemployment is now at a seven year low - although it remains stubbornly above levels in the UK for...

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Birth rates tend to decline as the size of a country's middle-class grows and China is no exception according to recent figures. Despite the lifting of the one-child policy in 2015, the number of...

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