A hugely topical and relevant edition of Hard Talk from the BBC. Stephen Sackur speaks to Stephen King, the influential economist, writer and Former Chief Economist to HSBC bank who talks about...

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The inexorable rise of renewables is encapsulated in this BBC piece that highlights an unusual substance that is on the point of being used as a fuel - coffee waste

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The new Paper 3 is almost upon us! Here's a 20 question multi-choice quiz on any micro or macro topic. Can be accessed using computer, tablet or phone. Click here to use the quiz.

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Just over a year ago there were more countries in the Euro Area actually in deflation or at zero inflation than nations with positive inflation rates. A cyclical upturn in the European economy is...

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Another mini case study on aspects of globalisation. The arrival of IKEA to manufacture carpets in a factory setting cuts across a number of social/cultural norms but the business is trying to...

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This Reality Check piece from the BBC looks at the facts surrounding the Greek bailout - and concludes that the bailouts haven't worked, yet. The ongoing concern is whether or not Greece will ever...

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Our GCSE Economics team have been hard at work preparing a bumper teaching resource pack to support the new GCSE Economics (9-1) specifications.

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The provisional timetable for our popular A Level Economics student workshops in 2017/18 is now available.

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The MPC voted 5-3 to keep policy rates at 0.25% at the June meeting of the Monetary Policy Committee. CPI inflation has jumped to 2.9% and many economists expect it to climb above 3% in the months...

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Richard Milne from the Financial Times looks at the Norwegian success in adopting electric cars - starting by looking at the world's largest charging station and then considering the policy...

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An excellent article for fans of creative destruction - with the rise of Amazon and Netflix having adverse consequences for traditional cinema box office spending, and most obviously declining...

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German discount food chain Lidl will start opening their first 20 sites in the United States this year marking an important aspect of their rapid organic growth. Aldi is already very well...

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Drawing on over 320 years of data on UK government debt, economist Andrew Scott considers why government debt increases and whether different types of debt should be used to fund government...

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A short but very astute and relevant video here on the distributional effects of trade liberalisation / globalisation. Sergey Nigai (winner of the Austin Robinson Prize) finds that using data...

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Debt finance is increasingly attractive to many companies not least because of tax advantages and historically low interest rates. Fewer companies are going public to raise capital - a problem for...

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What would be the consequences of removing cash from society altogether? Martin Wolf, the chief economics commentator, gives his view on the cashless society.

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A succinct summary (and a 6 minute video) of the key UK macro numbers ahead of the exams!

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This article from the Wall Street Journal is superbly relevant for any exam question that asks students to evaluate the economic impact of a currency depreciation. The rising level of import...

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Here is our suggested playlist of essential macro revision videos as you complete your preparations for Paper 2 in A Level Economics.

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France and the UK both claim to have the world's fifth largest economy - who is right? That of course depends on which metric we choose to use as a point of comparison.

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