If you were lucky enough to see Tim Harford at our National Teachers Conference on 5th July you would have seen his presentation on the technological inventions that have shaped the modern world....

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The latest exam entry data from Ofqual suggests continued growth in the popularity of A Level Economics. However, AS Economics is rapidly being abandoned by centres and it's hard to imagine it...

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Ed Conway from Sky asks "how do you solve a problem like austerity?"

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Should vehicle excise duty and fuel duty be replaced by a distance-travelled tax on motorists - paid in proportion to the distance people drive each year?

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The One Belt One Road initiative is shaping up to be one of the defining trade and investment strategies of the age.

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An interview here with Professor David Autor (MIT) on the economic and political consequences of China’s rise for the United States.

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15th July 2017

China's Forest City

A short video on the development of China's planned first forest city

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The slow recovery since the financial crisis remains a dominant issue in both political and economic debate.

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Here is a good example of non-tariff barriers in action.

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China's evolving economic and political influence in Africa is the subject of constant analysis and discussion.

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What has happened to the prices of everyday goods and services over the last 11 years?

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Since 2010 real-terms health spending in the UK has increased by an average of 1.4% a year, well below the average annual growth rate of 4% over the past 60 years. The NHS faces a huge number of...

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To mark the publication of the Taylor Report on Employment Practices in the Modern Economy, we are curating a set of study resources for students and teachers on the economics of the Gig Economy.

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Here is a clear infographic showing the changing balance of world GDP between different groups of countries.

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The roll-out of universal credit has been long-delayed and much criticised. This blog from the House of Commons Library blog provides some useful contextual evidence on the issues surrounding...

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According to Larry Elliot writing in the Observer, the British economy needs to take a long hard look at itself and consider again how best to tackle a raft of structural weaknesses.

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The European Union has agreed a landmark trade deal with Japan. We have collected some study resources on this trade agreement and some of the likely effects. The agreement aims to eliminate 99% of...

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Actuaries and economists are in agreement. Rising longevity means that people born this year are projected to live - on average - to more than a hundred. But pensions systems designed for more than...

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It is now a decade since the Bank of England last raised their policy interest rate but a decade on from that decision, the UK and global economy is in a very different place. According to Chris...

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The income tax system in the UK is highly progressive. Not many people know that, to use a catch phrase attributed, rightly or wrongly, to the great actor Michael Caine.

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