24th August 2017

Sterling's Slump

Continued uncertainty among investors about the post-Brexit landscape and stronger macroeconomic data from a resurgent Euro Zone appear to be the main factors behind the slump in the external value...

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The A-level results have come and gone yet again. Underneath all the hype and excitement, we can see the reliable old friend of economists at work. Namely, the impact of incentives.

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This super graphic from City of London research shows the concentration / clustering of insurance companies in the east of the City of London.

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Here's the first of a few fun quizzes and exercises that we're giving away to support the initial induction lessons that you may have with students starting their economics lessons over the coming...

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Macro or micro? A joint venture between Vodafone and Openreach means it's micro but the notion of improved supply-side performance is macro.

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23rd August 2017

An Introduction to GDP

A brief look at GDP courtesy of the IMF - but be careful! Whilst this is only an introduction, there are one or two oversights

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The number of serious pollution breaches in the farming industry is growing as many farmers are unable or unwilling to meet the cost of pollution prevention.

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Here is a goldmine of the latest regional economic data for the UK - useful when teaching living standards, the labour market and much else besides!

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The scale of debt in the (slowing) Chinese economy remains one of the biggest risks facing the global economy.

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This Wall Street Journal video report is excellent on rules of origin and complex supply chains which affect supply costs and ultimately, prices for consumers within the free trade area.

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Patrick Minford has produced a report that suggests a UK economy fully liberated from the EU stands to make significant macroeconomic gains.

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Ian Stewart's excellent Monday Briefing is read by thousands of people each week. The latest edition considers a key issue of intergenerational equity in the wake of events in the decade since the...

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A really important article to read here from the Economist especially for Year 13 students getting stuck into their development economics.

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The Independent has this super interview with Professor Richard Blundell of UCL and the IFS which focuses in particular on the policy debates about how best to tackle chronically high levels of...

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The value of all raw materials in an iPhone 6 (16GB) is just $1.03. These materials range from aluminium (31.1g) to hydrogen (5.5g) and chrome (4.9g).

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Just under a million (mainly younger) drivers have a telematic device installed in their vehicle to monitor and track how they are driving. The behavioural incentive is clear - safe driving helps...

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Gender issues in the workplace are currently a hot topic. First, we had the furore about male and female pay at the BBC. Next, the notorious memo from a Google employee which alleged that women are...

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Here is a great example of derived demand. According to this chart from the Economist, demand for vehicle batteries to charge electric vehicles could overtake that from consumer electronics as...

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A terrific activity flagged up hereby Mark Johnston from King's College Auckland. Expect sales of M&M's to soar as we teach theory of the firm in the early weeks of the new school year!

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The latest Bank of England blog has a tidy history of objects used as money over the years

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