Here's this week's Economic news quiz. Good luck!

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I would like to share an excellent edition of the Radio 4 programme, The Reunion, which is available on iPlayer. It is a 45-minute discussion between some of the key characters involved in the...

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TfL's decision on Friday that they would not renew Uber's licence to operate in London was a shock, although there has been a build-up of objections to Uber from a range of stakeholders.

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Financial markets are incredibly complicated. Although its one of the later topics studied on the A level specification, it`s well worth familiarising yourself with any specialist terminology as...

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The end of QE in the USA is just around the corner. It appears that the Federal Reserve is going to taper its stimulus programme and run down the stock of bonds it bought as part of its QE...

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Google have agreed a deal with HTC to boost its hardware business. However, it doesn't smack of a marriage from a position of strength, instead here are two companies who are struggling to maintain...

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A stunning video from the New York Times. In Brazil every year there are one million new cases of obesity.

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Whether due to limited ability or a lack of incentive, the output of some workers taken on in the jobs boom is close to zero. And this drags the average down.

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A timely short video here from the World Bank on how government tax and spending policies can have a direct effect on the scale of poverty and inequality in developing countries.

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A really good competition policy example here as the Competition and Markets Authority fines a group of estate agents in Somerset for a cartel that fixed minimum commission charges.

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The government announced on Tuesday 12 September that they were to relax the cap on public sector pay. From 2010 to 2012 there was a freeze on public sector pay, since then pay rises have been...

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This FT interview looks at the rising market power of the GAFA platform businesses - Google, Amazon, Facebook and Apple. The argument is made that many of these companies build their profits around...

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Just an excellent application of economics reported here in the Guardian. To what extent will this policy result in an efficient allocation of resource? The sooner it is rolled out on every train,...

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19th September 2017

Skills to pay the bills

Some awesome examples of fast-hand skills here and learning by doing! But don't try many of them at home!

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BBC Newsnight investigates whether the UK banking industry has experienced sufficient reform in the years since the Global Financial Crisis. A useful evaluative primer on the slow march of reform...

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How has the UK banking landscape changed in the decade since the collapse of Northern Rock?

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Here's this week's Economic news quiz. Good luck!

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An excellent application of PED to a simple problem: if you are a student looking for accommodation at a time when construction firms are building lots of suitable apartments, do you want the...

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Economics cannot solve the problem of climate change. But it can explain why electorates are so reluctant to do anything about it.

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Competition policy in action - after months of delay the Government seems to minded to refer the $14 billion Sky-Fox merger for investigation by the Competition and Markets Authority.

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