Here is a selection of new shorts on economies and diseconomies of scale.

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We're making good progress creating all-new, free teacher topic PowerPoints for the two main A-Level Economics specifications: AQA and Edexcel (A). There are now over 250 PowerPoints available to...

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Here's our weekly economics news quiz covering stories from the UK and global economic events of the passed 7 days.

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The UK is in recession after the economy shrank by 0.3% in the final quarter of 2023. Overall, real GDP grew by just 0.1% last year, lagging well behind a resurgent US economy.

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The UK’s dental health has been deteriorating as many people cannot find an NHS dentist nor afford to go private. With an election looming, the main political parties are competing to find the best...

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It seems that Australian supermarket giants, Coles and Woolworths, are exploiting a monopsony position to levy rebate charges on farmers who want early payment for their produce, raising concerns...

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The Office of National Statistics has been concerned about how accurate its measurement of unemployment has been recently. Poor measurement has implications for economic policymaking.

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This is a seismic event: Uber has, at last turned a profit. Last year's $1.8 billion operating loss has become a $1.1 billion operating profit after 14 years in operation since it was founded in...

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The Resolution Foundation has published new research assessing the strengths and weaknesses of the UK economy. This short YouTube clip provides a timely summary of their work.

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This Business Insider clip looks at the negative externalities of waste on Mount Everest, where there's a massive issue, which is difficult to tackle at high altitudes. It looks at how one...

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The EU's Climate Service has highlighted the fact that the 2015 pledge to limit long-term temperature increases to 1.5C above pre-industrial levels is already under threat and that there's need for...

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Here's our weekly economics news quiz covering stories from the UK and global economic events of the passed 7 days.

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The robots are coming! This article highlights how Sainsbury's are contemplating job cuts, and substituting capital in favour of labour, by increasing the number of automated tills, warehouse...

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Here is our full knowledge organiser pack for Theme 3 for Edexcel A-Level Economics (A). It covers all of the business economics, labour market economics and government intervention topics in the...

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Following the banning e-scooters in Paris, the Mayor of Paris has led a successful vote to increase parking fees for SUVs in central Paris to reduce pollution in the centre of the city.

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Proof here of the unequal distributional effects of the pandemic, with the NIESR reporting that the poorest won't see their living standards recover to pre-pandemic levels until 2027.

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This is a ToK-style article looking at the fact that Ireland is seemingly the most productive country in the world, and yet people wonder whether this is actually 'true' or not?

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The 5th of February is apparently the day that's become known as "national sickie day" but the Guardia have used it to flag up the increased rate of long-term sickness that appears to be holding...

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Has Scotland's minimum alcohol pricing policy worked? The minimum price of alcohol in Scotland is set to rise by 30% to 65p per unit, making a bottle of whisky at least £18.20 in an attempt to...

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An extra intervention to address the externalties from traffic congestion. Citizens in Paris have voted to triple car parking charges for SUVs and it will be interesting to see the impact on demand.

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