Gin festivals are becoming more popular with every passing year and soaring demand is creating a supply response as new craft gin distilleries open.

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Professor Dani Rodrik's new short essay for Project Syndicate is timely background reading for teachers and students looking at growth and development strategies among low and middle-income...

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Lots of great coverage of the work of Richard Thaler following his well-deserved award of the Nobel Prize for Economics. These short videos are well worth a watch!

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This is genuinely good news for our wonderful subject! One of the guiding lights behind behavioural economics has been awarded the 2017 Nobel in Economics.

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Here are ten questions on Economics news - give them a go!

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A heartwarming story about a church-backed company that is bucking the trend for zero-hours contracts and the gig economy.

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Last week supermarket discounter Aldi announced a simultaneous rise in sales and a fall in profits. The company reported a 13.5% rise in sales and a 17% fall in profits. This begs the question how...

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The latest Punk FT video looks at how to spot a financial crisis before it spots you!

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A red-hot topic in economics is randomised controlled trials (RCT). Esther Duflo, who has really driven this idea, has surely put herself in pole position for a Nobel Prize at some point.

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What does the IMF do? Well, this IMF clip will let you know: concessional loans, debt relief, and all sorts of other things to try to overcome short-term developmental problems.

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5th October 2017

Try the Uber game!

Can you make a living as an Uber driver? Try this new Uber-game from the FT!

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The closure of the Britvic plant in Norwich has implications for the local economy: a negative regional multiplier is likely to occur.

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Another splendid Marginal Revolution University clip that looks at the dangers of debt finance, with a number of practical examples from across the developing world, and some developed economies -...

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Here are some notes and related links from a stunning talk given tonight by Dieter Helm, Professor of Energy Policy at New College, Oxford.

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Especially with the advent of new GCSE and A level exams. We love this new blog on teaching an aspect of economics from Head Teacher John Tomsett.

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Fantastic stuff! A brilliant section of an interview with former Chancellor Alastair Darling.

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A shortened version of an interview with Robert Peston the events surrounding the collapse of Northern Rock.

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A useful infographic from the Bank of England on how they plan to prevent a bank being too big to fail

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China is now the world's largest e-vehicle market. The government's industrial policy includes subsidies for producers that drive down costs and make cars affordable.

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An excellent little clip looking at the challenges faces craft brewers: do they stay or do they grow?

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