At a recent school Open Morning, several economics A Level students here at Headington conducted an economics experiment. Armed with a clipboard and pen, the girls tested whether prospective...

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Rapid consolidation in the UK convenience store sector has continued apace with news that NISA shopkeepers have voted to agree a takeover from the Co-op.

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Here's a resource that may be useful to you as a 10-15 minute activity over the next couple of weeks preparing new Economics students for the upcoming Budget. In 'The Double Agent' you have 3...

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Ethics and MNCs - This Observer investigation into the rise of Vodafone in east Africa has done an awful lot to benefit the political elite and commensurately less for the ordinary citizen. It...

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A short video revealing the long term economic and social damage from the contamination of a river following the bursting of an iron ore waste dam burst in the town of Mariana, Brazil.

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Here's this week's economics news quiz. Good luck!

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10th November 2017

A living diagram

I promised my students that before their exam today I would try and grow an Economics diagram....

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More than ten million UK workers are at risk of having their jobs replaced by robots in the next decade. Could a universal basic income be a radical but effective approach in the face of...

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Courtesy of this tweet from Jon Inge I can confirm my name is Supernormal Surplus! What is your economics superhero name?

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According to the Halifax, house prices continue to rise in the UK (4.5% on average in the year till October) and will carry on doing so in the near future. The value of houses are an important...

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There's been a precipitous decline in sales of diesel cars, of nearly a third, putting pressure on the car industry and, according to the article "the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders...

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So, tax avoidance is back in the news with the ongoing investigations surrounding the 'Paradise Papers'. Economics students will know the difference between tax evasion (which is illegal) and tax...

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New economics students are probably familiar by now with the Economic Problem, the four Factors of Production, and the PPF, and the concept that in order to increase potential output, you need to...

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This clip is fascinating documenting how one Chinese province, Liaoning, has started to privatise 'zombie' companies in the hope of returning them to profitability, rather than continuing to prop...

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Really interesting conceptual article about the conduct of monetary policy in the UK, with Larry Elliott arguing that the setting of interest rates is predicated upon a broken economic model, which...

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Here is some feedback that is worth bearing in mind when teaching Edexcel Economics drawing on reports from recent Edexcel events looking back at the 2017 exam series.

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Here's this week's news quiz on the world of economics. Good luck!

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What a fantastic achievement from Charles Proud at the Perse School in Cambridge. He has engineered and completed his own Phillips Machine!

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Inevitably there has been a deluge of media coverage of the first base rate rise for a decade - albeit a tiny step! Here is our curation of some of the best articles.

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Here's a great lesson starter or plenary if your are looking for an activity to stimulate discussion about the change in interest rates announced by the BoE.

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