As I was driving down the road the other day, I was shocked to see the high price of the "real" Christmas trees being sold on the side of the road. As an Economics teacher, I of course started...

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Here's an activity to see how much your students know about Hammond's latest Budget. The 'Reach the Peak' activity is a 5 minute elimination game, perfect at the start of a lesson. Students are...

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Here's a ready-made simple Powerpoint presentation showing the key points from today's Budget by Philip Hammond for use in classrooms.

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The world's biggest sovereign wealth fund (worth in excess of $1trillion) has proposed dropping its investments in oil and gas stocks.

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Think coffee powers you in the morning? Waste coffee is being converted into biofuel - today will see some London buses being powered by coffee-based biofuels. This marks the start of a move to...

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A superb two minute video here from the BBC on the growth of e-sports training schemes in Singapore. Annual turnover in the global e-sports market is forecast to reach $1.5bn in three years.

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From hotels renting out spare car parking spaces to highly flexible prices in the gym industry Amazon changing price lists every ten minutes, dynamic pricing driven by a world of big data is big news.

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How much do you trust your search engine? The WSJ investigates the accuracy of the Google Featured Snippet to consider how algorithms are -- and aren't -- working. Students should beware!

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This is deeply sobering six minute video from BBC Newsnight as we visit a food bank in the west end of Newcastle upon Tyne.

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Not according to the Chancellor who has been roundly criticised for a comment on the Marr Programme that - at the very least - appeared to be economically tone-deaf.

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This is an unusual story - we normally 'exporting' pollution with developed economies locating production plants in developing economies. However, in this case, it's France getting coal-fired...

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Here's this week's economics news quiz. Good luck.

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Here's this week's economics news quiz. Good luck.

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A Credit Suisse reportreveals the extent to which the meek seem increasingly unlikely to inherit the earth.

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A great competition policy applied example! The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has cleared Just Eat’s acquisition of Hungryhouse, following an in-depth investigation. They refer to the...

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You might not think that rhino poaching is an economic issue. I do.

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A terrific example here of the balance of bargaining power when a duopolist (Airbus) meets a business owning a group of low-cost airlines (monopsony buying power) to reach a deal for 430 aircraft...

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Do Tube strikes make Londoners better off? At first sight, the question is simply absurd. The answer is “no”.

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The number of coffee shops in the UK increased by over 6% last year - are we close to saturation point? Or will more entrepreneurs enter a space where non-price competition is so important?

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It has been announced today that the Competition and Markets Authority have agreed, in principle, to allow the takeover of wholesaler Booker by the retail giant Tesco. Although agreeing in...

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