M&S have just solved the ultimate middle class problem by introducing a seedless cocktail avocado, as the BBC puts it, "to help avoid all those pesky avocado-related injuries".

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The IMF is concerned about the state of the Chinese banking system, and the implications of this for Chinese growth.

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India is making strides towards becoming a global solar superpower and this short video from the World Bank provides an overview of the rapid progress being made. A game changer - a hugely...

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A lovely idea from the Marshall Economics Library at Cambridge University - an advent calendar of famous economists!

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Our friends at Marginal Revolution have a new video looking at four different theories of business cycles and what they might say about the Global Financial Crisis and the Great Recession of a...

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Horizontal integration in the cinema industry as Cineworld buys Regal to establish the second biggest cinema operator globally. It is a sizeable bet given increasing competition from online...

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A new book by Jonathan Haskel and Stian Westlake - Capitalism without Capital: The Rise of the Intangible Economy - is causing quite a stir among those intrigued by the rise of digital platform...

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Here's this week's Economics News Quiz. Good luck!

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The distraction and the emotion of the attention economy is explored in this superb video from David Grossman of BBC Newsnight.

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Are colleagues in other schools and colleges seeing more universities offering unconditional places to students who choose them as firm first choice?

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The World Bank's definition of absolute poverty is that anyone living on less than $1.90 per day is living in extreme poverty. But is it feasible for extreme poverty to be completely eradicated?

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The Bank of England has published their latest stress test results and even in the most pessimistic scenario, all of the main commercial banks were able to show that they have sufficient capital...

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29th November 2017

Living Diagram part 2

This was a bit more difficult than my first effort and didn't come out quite as good but the students appreciated it and (mostly) recognised what it was supposed to be. Many of them took a bite of...

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How the Federal Reserve sets rates. It's American-focused but shows how the base rate is only part of the story for the average bank customer, and thus equally applicable to the UK too.

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If you're looking for a great competition for your students to enter then there are few better (or easier to enter) than the Economic Research Council's "Clash of the Titans". The concept is...

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Another milestone for those tracking the changing centre of gravity in the world economy.

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This BBC clip looks at the challenges facing the coconut industry in Tanzania. The country - the biggest grower of coconuts - is facing a fall in coconut production.

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Here's this week's quiz on the world of Economics. Good luck!

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Larry Elliott looks at the latest IMF research that concludes that the future performance of the UK economy isn't healthy and that we're in for around another decade or so of austerity. Building on...

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23rd November 2017

Focus on Productivity

Raising productivity was one of the key aspects of Philip Hammond's budget yesterday. The 'Productivity Puzzle' - namely why the UK's productivity has been lagging for so long - is a supply-side...

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