Cape Town in South Africa is running out of water. There has been a severe drought, with very low rainfall for three years. A month ago, it was predicted that at the current rate of use, the taps...

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The issue of formal identification has become a big World Bank issue, and these clips looks at how ownership of official IDs have significant developmental effects in India and Peru. It's...

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Technology, development, climate change, information and the provision of public goods, this clip has it all. The World Bank has launched an innovative programme looking at how to best use locally...

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I used this superb Authors at Google discussion (recorded in Autumn 2017) when teaching micro-finance and social entrepreneurship. Mohammad Yunus explores how the Grameen Bank has grown into new...

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Here's this week's Economics news quiz. Good luck!

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Economics for real, economics for good It’s everyday deal, like life in the hood. A fantastic rap put together by students from Queen Ethelburga’s, Thorpe Underwood near York! Thanks to Jonathan...

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One of the big ideas of the time is the notion of a Universal Basic Income (UBI). In this case, the Royal Society for the Arts (RSA) is proposing that the government should offer each under 55 year...

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Proof of the dynamic nature of the Chinese economic growth miracle. Dongguan used to be a labour-intensive manufacturing base synonymous with the label Made in China. Now it is fast becoming the...

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Here's this week's economics news quiz. Good luck!

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Hats off to the Bank of England for producing this excellent article on pay for professional footballers. A super resource to use when teaching pay differentials in the labour market.

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Examiners love good examples of contestable markets where emerging rivals disrupt the market power of established firms. Aldi and Lidl are continuing to grow rapidly. Lidl has recently opened its...

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Kenya has developed a comparative advantage in growing and processing cut flowers. Kenya is the largest supplier of cut flowers to the European Union & flower farming accounts for about 40% of...

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This is a quite superb article for students wanting a great example of an increasingly contestable market - namely transatlantic travel. Can the fast-growing Norwegian Airlines achieve commercial...

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This is a brilliant story, though it may do Sainsbury's reputation no favours. Two cards, looking pretty much identical, one 'For my husband' and one 'For my wife'. All very cute - but why would...

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Here's this week's economics news quiz. Good luck!

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A Half Term Hat Tip to Pete Shelley for spotting this enrichment piece from BBC Radio on the economic policies of Donald Trump.

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“Pork barrel” has been a theme in American politics for almost as long as the United States has existed. Many members of Congress work hard to secure public works projects, agricultural subsidies...

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This FT clip looks at the post-Brexit options facing the UK, arguing that advisers are looking at whether it might be possible to enter a customs union with the EU.

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Traffic data firm Inrix has released a report attempting to detail the impact of road congestion in the UK. Their 2017 Congestion scorecard is available here. According to their statistics, the...

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A new study from the IFSof the causes of the persistent gender pay gap in the UK focuses on the impact of working part-time has on career and wage progression for females.

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