Here's this week's economics news quiz. Good luck!

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Yesterday the Transport Secretary Chris Grayling announced that the East Coast main line was to be taken back into public ownership. The FT have released a fantastic video that asks the question;...

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Here are ten more practice essay titles that might be worth planning and writing under timed conditions:

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Here are eight more synoptic practice questions for Paper 3 Edexcel.

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The Windrush scandal still bubbles away. The bureaucrats in the Home Office are being condemned for their harsh behaviour. But they are simply reacting in a way entirely compatible with the...

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What's not to like? Development, technology and micro-credit in one clip. This International Finance Corporation clip looks at how digital credit has helped small-scale entrepreneurs in Madagascar.

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It can be very hard to measure the impact of government spending on healthcare, and the effect that it has on the living standards in a country. New data from the Institute of Health Metrics and...

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At the beginning of this half term, we were fortunate to host Mauricio Armellini, one of the Bank of England’s North East agents.

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When Dean Baker, Linda Yueh, Tim Harford and Diane Coyle contribute to an article highlighting what they feel are the most important economics books to devour - for students and lay people alike -...

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The FT reports from Sweden, a country that could become completely cashless by 2025 - what are the benefits and costs of a decisive move towards a cashless society?

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Here's this week's economics news quiz. Good luck!

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I'm just starting to teach labour market economics to my Year 12 Economists. Here is a ten question quiz I used to kick off our discussions to give them some introductory perspective.

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The ONS has published a series of data tweets supporting the view that the introduction of auto-enrolment into workplace pension schemes has been a success in increasing the number of people with...

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A hat tip to Jon Inge who spotted this Business Insider report on a visit to the FoxConn complex 20 miles outside downtown Zhengzhou where more than half of the world's iPhones are assembled by a...

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Super short video from Project Syndicate on whether GDP as measurement tool has reached the end of a long run.

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Lots of coverage as you would expect about the state of the Argentinian economy, with news that the central bank has raised interest rates three in a week, rates leaping from 27.25% to a staggering...

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Here's this week's economics news quiz. Good luck!

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At this time of year lots of teachers work feverishly through essay plans as a way of revising core content and honing those all-important essay exam skills. Here is a selection of micro &...

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This is a game I have created to get students thinking about how other people view their diagrams and hopefully getting them to make sure they have double checked them and they are as clear as...

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Students who are analysing causes of the UK productivity puzzle may like to consider the statistics relating to 'presenteeism' as a possible cause.

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