Here's this week's economics news quiz. Good luck!

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Shares in pharmacy retail chains plunged when news broke that Amazon is entering the online pharmacy market with the acquisition of PillPack. Creative destruction at work in the retail space....

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Take a bow Tyler Curtis from Hall Cross School in Doncaster. Tyler is the winner of the Bank of England/Financial Times schools blogging competition with a piece exploring the economic viability of...

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Expect a lot more of this as petroleum companies adjust their sights to the rapid growth of electric vehicles. BP has acquired Chargemaster which is the UK's largest car charging firm which...

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When it comes to planned capital investment, uncertainty about macro policy including trade can be a big barrier to pushing the button and going ahead with expensive capital projects. I have rarely...

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Every business can be disrupted. Here are three mini case studies from the FT of businesses looking to challenge the power of Google, Amazon, Uber and Tesla.

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Competition policy matters for emerging & developing countries. Industries dominated by a handful of large suppliers can lead to higher prices which reduces the welfare of consumers and damages...

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This graphic displays one of the clearest contextual examples of trade frictions outside a customs union that you could possibly find. Gold dust for the classroom!

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Here is a really good contextual example of two ways in which a business can respond to the impact of an import tariff.

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Is this the first step towards the renationalization of the railways - as the East coast mainline is taken back into public ownership? I doubt it: however, it does cast doubt over rail...

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Gold dust for economics students and teachers! Michelle Baddeley author of a Very Short Introduction to Behavioural Economics picks out ten key things you should know about this aspect of the subject!

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An industry whose products kills millions of people every year is also challenged with allowing child labour to flourish in countries where extreme poverty remains rife. The Guardian investigates.

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The Balance of Payments is often a stumbling block for students - not only in confusing it with government budget balances, but also in sorting out the difference between the current account and...

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Criticisms of economics have abounded since the financial crisis. Even Nobel prize winners like George Akerlof of Berkeley have got in on the act. A key demand is for economics to adopt a more...

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Here are the slides from the macroeconomics data calculations short videos that we recorded ahead of the June 2018 A Level economics exam.

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Here are slides on synoptic economic issues used as revision for the June 2018 Paper 3 economics paper.

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Important new research from the Institute for Fiscal Studies especially for students and teachers wanting to top up their contextual knowledge about the key trends in inequality in the UK.

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This World Bank clips flags up the growth in female participation in Mongolia's labour force, and the policies that have been adopted to encourage it.

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Here are the details of the 2018 Marshall Society essay competition - a superb enrichment opportunity for Year 12 students!

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Continuing our World Cup theme, here's a Powerpoint activity that we've used before but have updated and altered slightly. The World Cup Debate activity is a fun resource that is aimed at...

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