The Royal Society for Public Health has released a fascinating report on Britain's High Streets, naming Grimsby as the unhealthiest and Edinburgh as the healthiest.

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Here's this week's Economics Quiz. Good luck!

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Here's this week's Economics Quiz. Good luck!

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The media seems full of gloom at the moment. Chaos over Brexit, Saudi Arabia, potential nuclear escalation between America and Russia, you name it, it is there.

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The Economist speculates that whilst we're ten years away from the last recession, we shouldn't be complacent and we might be on the brink of another recession, perhaps triggered by emerging...

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Here's this week's Economics Quiz. Good luck!

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Gordon Brown’s time as Chancellor will be remembered for many things. A sense of humour would be conspicuously absent from this list. But he provoked a great deal of mirth unintentionally in a...

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It's been a long time since fracking's been in the news, so a new generation of post-16 economists might only have a brief acquaintance with it.

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This story reveals the power of technology: new restrictions on sulphur dioxide emissions have forced global shipping to look for solutions to make their fuel less polluting. The solution? A...

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The winners of the Royal Economic Society (RES) Essay Competition for 2018 have just been announced.

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The World Bank has launched a new developmental index designed to measure the extent to which economies invest in health and education, so as to make the most of their human capital. It is hoped...

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UCAS applications and interviews are coming up. But, what should students be reading if they want to study Management at University when there isn't a Management A-Level? And what are the Economics...

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Here's this week's Economics Quiz. Good luck!

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Amazon is one of the largest employers in the USA and the big news this week is that the company is raising pay for its workers domestically and in the UK. US-based workers will get a new minimum...

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The fundamental economic problem: scarcity and choice, via an interesting example. In instance, South Africa's drought and subsequent water shortage forced one laundry entrepreneur to seek an...

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5th October 2018

How to Fuel the Future

This fantastic Economist clip looks at the state of the global energy sector, highlighting the importance of oil and the challenges facing the global economy in this regard.

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An interesting opinion piece in today's Guardian arguing that there should be a far higher global carbon price to avoid apocalyptic rises in temperature.

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Here's this week's Economics Quiz. Good luck!

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Here's this week's Economics Quiz. Good luck!

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This month of course saw the 10th anniversary of the collapse of Lehmann Brothers, which precipitated one of the only two global financial crises of the past 150 years. The late 2000s and the early...

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