Japan's population is decline and ageing at a rapid rate. New data shows that the natural decline in their population was nearly 500,000 in 2018 with fewer than one million babies born for the...

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Guy Standing is credited with coining "the precariat" to describe people in work that offers uncertain pay, hours and overall job insecurity. In this short interview at the Warwick Economic Summit...

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Ed Conway from Sky News visits Kettles crisps (owned by Campbell Soup Company) to find out more about the UK's love affair with the crisp and concerns that some production may move overseas if...

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Real wages are nominal wages adjusted for the effects of inflation. A new survey form the Trade Union Congress (TUC) has estimated that the average worker in the UK has (cumulatively) lost over...

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This WHO clip looks at the impact of air pollution on the health of the world's children. It is estimated that 1.8 billion children breathe polluted air, equivalent to 9 out of 10 of the world's...

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The country's Chief Medical Officer, Dame Sally Davies, wants a ban on adding sugar to baby food, and further taxes to cut the nation's salt and sugar intake. However, the real meat to the report...

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20th December 2018


Over the past few weeks I've sporadically taken photos to use in lessons with the intention of them stimulating a discussion. Each photo relates to a number of different topics that we have studied...

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Here's the last weekly Economics Quiz for 2018. Good luck!

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Here is a behavioural nudge from Barclays that might just be a game-changer in introducing frictions into the spending choices that people make.

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Economists have long argued that an effective way of reducing carbon emissions is by increasing taxes on energy consumption. This year’s Noble Laureate, Bill Nordhaus, advocated a global carbon tax...

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Introducing the ultimate knowledge organisers for Edexcel A-Level Economics that students complete themselves!

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Contestable markets and mobile payment technology are in action here! Amazon is looking to expand their "bricks and mortar footprint" with a move into airport retail seemingly on the cards. But...

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An excellent piece here in the Guardian for dissecting some of the supply-side weaknesses brought about by under-performing management especially in family-run mid-sized firms.

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Chris Giles from the Financial Times looks at some of the assumptions behind the recent analysis from the Treasury and the Bank of England on the likely macroeconomic impact of Brexit. He argues...

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Here's this week's Economics Quiz. Good luck!

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The Bank of England and Federal Reserve held a two-day conference last week in London on Big Data and machine learning. All very interesting stuff. There was an intriguing vignette as we emerged...

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The Competition and Markets Authority is considering a major new investigation into rampant price inflation in the costs of funerals and crematorium services.

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This is a massive merger story - the largest in Japan - as Takeda gets shareholder approval for a £46bn takeover of pharmaceutical company, Shire. The new company will be one of the largest 10 in...

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4th December 2018

Qatar leaves OPEC

Qatar has announced that they are leaving the OPEC oil cartel and focusing instead on expanding investment and production in natural gas. Qatar has the third largest known natural gas reserves in...

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We're delighted to announce that the annual tutor2u Christmas Quiz for 2018 is now live!

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