Here are some details about a fantastic new addition to the CORE Economics website.

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The fashion industry isn't terribly environmentally-friendly, accounting for 3% of global carbon emissions per year, and an awful lot of waste.

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Larry Elliott catches up here with Rutger Bregman, the man of the moment, who savaged the assembled billionaires at Davos. He reveals that his outburst about tax avoidance was, in large part,...

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Will Stronge, the co-director of Autonomy, a think tank focusing on the future of work has written a thoughtful piece here about the possibility of a shorter four-day working week.

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Here's this week's Economics news quiz. Good luck!

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Abenomics has been in place for over five years but to what extent is Abenomics helping to lift Japan out of a deflationary period and address the challenges of an ageing population?

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Competition policy has often been criticised for allowing privatised utilities an easy ride. Not in this case, where OFWAT have sent seven out of ten water companies back to the drawing board to...

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Nobel Laureate Bob Solow pronounced thirty years ago that “you can see the computer age everywhere but in the productivity statistics”.

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How can we best support our most able AQA A-Level Economics students without creating un-necessary extra teacher workload? The tutor2u Economics team have the answer!

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It’s time for AQA A-Level Economics students to raise their game with how they use diagrams if they want to maximise their exam performance in 2019.

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A forensic examination of what the principal examiners have said about why A-Level Economics students are under-performing is at the heart of the new resources developed for the upcoming SUCCESS IN...

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A forensic examination of what the principal examiners have said about why A-Level Economics students are under-performing is at the heart of the new resources developed for the upcoming SUCCESS IN...

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An excellent snippet that highlights the impact of climate change on sustainable fishing.

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How many of us have recommended a product to others - perhaps during a water cooler conversation - or have been prompted to buy after being influenced online?

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Here's this week's Economics news quiz. Good luck!

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Inflation tells us how much the prices of goods and services are going up. The question is: which ones do we put into the basket when we are working this out?

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The ONS have produced another report on 'shrinkflation' - the concept that businesses are reducing the size of their products without reducing the price that they charge to consumers. It's an...

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Here is a great clip from the International Finance Corporation - looking at India's ambition to produce 40% of its power from renewable sources by 2030.

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22nd January 2019

How Porsches Are Made

Wow! A stunning four minute video that takes us behind the scenes of the Porsche factory in Leipzig in Germany where thousands of robots (and some humans) come together to manufacture 160,000...

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Another look at changing consumer tastes, and their impact on the High Street. This time, it's butchers under the cosh as vegetarianism becomes increasingly popular and just a short while after the...

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