The issue of increasing female participation is often seen as exclusively something to do with developing economies, but, as this article proves, it also affects developed economies.

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Here's this week's Economics news quiz. Good luck!

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7th March 2019

The Aldi Effect

Essential reading for both Economics and Business Management students alike: it looks at the rise of the discounters and how Aldi took on, and started to beat their complacent established rivals,...

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A fresh Mintel survey looks at the power of Amazon. It is staggering - 90% of UK shoppers use it, 25% of shoppers are Prime customers. That equates to 15 million Prime customers. Wowsers! Is Amazon...

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Good news for development in copper-rich Zambia - one of my favourite sub-Saharan nations. The World Bank and Zambia have renewed the Country Partnership Framework (CPF) focusing on specific...

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Just marvel at the majesty of Beijing's new airport, and the statistic that China pours "more concrete every two years than the US did in the entire 20th century".

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This IMF clip highlights the important linkages between gender equality and economic growth - with Era Dabla-Norris highlighting the fact that women are under-represented in the labour market in...

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Tesla is seen as the market leader in the electric car market, and yet the company has seemed to lurch from minor hiccup to minor hiccup.

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A big boost for the Cypriot economy, with the news that ExxonMobil has discovered large natural gas deposits. You should be able to think of the possible benefits of this for the supply-side and,...

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Here's this week's Economics news quiz. Good luck!

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Here is a conversation between Harvard political philosopher Michael Sandel and Harvard economist Greg Mankiw who discuss the role of government, morality, and markets in public health including a...

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This BBC Reality Check clip looks at the impact of Netflix on the cinema industry - and represents a way into a lot of issues. Innovation, theory of the firm, cross price elasticity of demand, and...

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EU competition authorities suspect that there's something fishy goingon in the market for farmed salmon, and have raided a number of producers in Norway, the Netherlands and Scotland.

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Excellent Newsnight piece on how climate change might be the biggest inter-generational battle of the 21st century. It highlights the issue in the light of protests from many thousands of young...

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Here's a fantastic activity from our team of contributors who have identified the key phrases that are often misused during A Level Economics exams. Examiners have made frequently commented upon...

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There is some super applied business economics here. Lidl and Aldi are having a transformative impact on the UK food grocery landscape with a combined market share north of 12 percent.

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Behavioural economics meets financial economics in this news article from the BBC.

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Here's this week's Economics news quiz. Good luck!

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Concerns are growing that another financial crisis is imminent. No less a figure than Ken Rogoff wrote last week that “the next major financial crisis may come sooner than you think”.

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Joseph Stiglitz writes on the thorny question of tax avoidance by multinationals, such as Apple, and concludes that for all their talk, the notion of corporate social responsibility is largely hot...

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